Two veteran operatives of the Florida political scene are hanging out their own shingles this week.
As first reported in Sunburn — the morning email of what’s hot in Florida politics — both David Bishop and Screven Watson are launching their own firms after working at larger communications shops.
Bishop, most recently a Deputy Secretary of the Florida Lottery and before that Communications Director for Senate President Mike Haridopolos, has formed Solaris Consulting, which he is billing as a government relations/media relations firm.
“I’m excited about my new venture because it allows me to combine those experiences for the ultimate benefit of my clients,” Bishop told Florida Politics.
Bishop’s career includes stints in the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development under Gov. Jeb Bush, as Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp’s communications director in his run for attorney general, and as a TV news reporter in Tallahassee.
Meanwhile, Screven Watson, longtime staple of the Democratic lobby corps, is breaking off from VancoreJones to work from home and add a legal component to his work.
“Screven is a great guy and dear friend, said Steve Vancore, his now former business partner. “This is a great move and a nice transition for him.”
Vancore says he and Watson continue to have joint projects and a few clients in common.
Most prominent of Watson’s existing clients is U.S. Sugar.
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