Two Republican lawmakers from Miami-Dade County want to give Florida voters a chance to ban red light cameras across the state for good.
Miami Sen. Ileana Garcia and Sweetwater Rep. David Borrero filed related resolutions (SJR 1042, HJ 805) proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting any “traffic infraction detectors” from recording motorists who fail to stop at stop signs or signals.
The measures, if approved in the coming Legislative Session, would call for a statewide ballot question on the matter at the next General Election or at an earlier Special Election.
Garcia’s resolution, filed Wednesday, differs from Borrero’s in one significant sentence. While Borrero’s measure, filed Dec. 8, would nix all red light cameras in the state without exception, Garcia’s would still allow their use in school speed zones — a new enforcement policy Gov. Ron DeSantis approved in June.
As of June 30, 2022, the most recent date for which state data on the subject is available, there were 487 red light cameras active in Florida. In fiscal 2022, they resulted in more than 1 million notices of violation and 47,415 in-person citations.
Local and state disputes over red light cameras, which can also be used to enforce right-turn violations, have persisted for years. So has state legislation to ban them.
In 2012, former Sen. Tom Evers and former Rep. Scott Plakon carried twin bills to repeal provisions allowing red light cameras. Both died without a hearing.
Former Sen. Jeff Brandes and former Rep. Anthony Sabatini carried bills in 2019 to repeal provisions allowing red light cameras. Brandes’ bill never got a hearing. Sabatini’s measure cleared one committee before losing traction.
Sens. Bryan Ávila, Erin Grall, Travis Hutson and Blaise Ingoglia, Rep. Daryl Campbell, and former Reps. Frank Artiles, Daphne Campbell and Anthony Rodriguez all filed similar measures. Most fared just as poorly.
The closest state lawmakers got was in the 2017 Legislative Session, when a measure then-Reps. Ávila and Ingoglia co-sponsored passed in the House by a 91-22 vote before stalling out in the Senate.
Traffic infractions detected by red light cameras cost $158 at first, but the fine can increase to $262 if drivers cited fail to pay, according to Florida Online Traffic School. And regardless of who is driving, the vehicle’s registered owner receives the citation.
Dont Say FLA
December 21, 2023 at 6:12 pm
Red light cameras keep deekheads from blocking intersections. They are literally the ONLY traffic enforcement that helps traffic and doesn’t help pigs trying to sniff out some troubles i mean truffles. So yeah, get rid of them, but keep the pigs hassling everybody for no gain to traffic flow, only gain to the pigs.
Enough already
December 22, 2023 at 12:36 am
They’re all about the money. Time to put a stop to them.
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Michael K
December 22, 2023 at 10:03 am
Red light cameras help stop people from running red lights. Those massive trucks and SUVs gunning it through intersections put pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists at great risk.
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