The hits keep coming in the second tier of the Republican presidential race.
Nikki Haley has responded to Ron DeSantis’ riposte that her words in New Hampshire about the causes of the American Civil War, which initially neglected to mention “slavery,” amounted to “incomprehensible word salad” and “postmodernism.”
Haley said DeSantis was “desperate,” adding the political axiom “if you’re lying, you’re losing” before defending her actions in the moment.
“You know, I’ve done 150 town halls, more than that now, and we shake every hand, we answer every question and I stay until the last person leaves and we take questions from everybody. Republicans, Democrats, independents, whoever shows up, we don’t screen them. We let them ask whatever they want and we had a question there. And yes, of course, the first thing I should have said was slavery,” Haley added.
“When you grow up in the South, slavery is a given. Like when you think of the Civil War, you know, it was about slavery. That’s not, you know, that’s never been in question,” Haley continued, going on to clarify that slavery was a “stain on our history.”
The candidate made the comments Saturday on Fox News.
Haley has been doing damage control on her comments for days, in the wake of her claim that the Civil War was simply about “the freedoms of what people could and couldn’t do,” and turned the question around on an attendee at her event, asking, “What do you want me to say about slavery?”
Meanwhile, the Florida Governor will be in New Hampshire Saturday, and odds are good he offers another take on Haley’s controversy.
December 30, 2023 at 1:32 pm
Actions speak louder than words: Nikki took down the rebel flag over the SC statehouse.
(How she came to do this is worth discussing, but no reason for her to try to dance around questions about enslavement in the South: It was the primary reason for the War of Southern Secession.)
Ruth S Noman
December 30, 2023 at 3:36 pm
Ronda santos should be Trump’s vice president The 2 of them together would Trump anyone in the election Trump. Would you have 4 years And then Governor Governor R O n d Defenses Should be president 8 years, maybe then we will get this country straightened out. We need to pray for our country. Not become a socialist Our country was founded on freedom to talk.
To be free to worship who we want.
Freedom of speach spirit freedom to live our life without worry from the government. That is taken over and Washington d. C. Do whatever you can to get these 2 together. This is what wrote a letter for both of them if anyone is interested to have them. Because I don’t think they got through. The I love this country. I’m a born American. We are a long generation of people in this country. And I want my family to be free to speak to be just as I was when I was growing up and now that I’m old. I do not want to die thinking. Our country will come out to socialist country. Thank you very much for allowing us to have something to say. My name is R U t h S Norman
Ruth S Noman
December 30, 2023 at 3:48 pm
Ronda santos should be Trump’s vice president The 2 of them together would Trump anyone in the election. Trump would
Have 4 years And then Governor Governor R O n d Defenses Should be president 8 years, maybe then we will get this country straightened out. We need to pray for our country. Not to become a socialist Our country was founded on freedom to talk.
To be free to worship who we want.
Freedom of speach spirit freedom to live our life without worry from the government. That is taken over in Washington. Do whatwhat you can to get these 2 together. This is what wrote a letter for both of them if anyone is interested to have them. Because I don’t think they got through. I love this country. I’m a born American. We are a long generation of people in this country. And I want my family to be free to speak to be just as I was when I was growing up and now that I’m old. I do not want to die thinking. Our country will turn out to socialist country. Thank you very much for allowing us to have something to say.
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