Florida’s Governor is teasing an expansion of the mission for his State Guard, suggesting they may make a run for the border.
To be clear, that’s the Texas-Mexico Border, and not Florida’s border with Georgia to the north.
At a news conference, Ron DeSantis spent roughly seven minutes making a case for deployment as long and winding as the Rio Grande River itself, saying that if Florida needs to “stand up and, and, and ensure the sovereignty of the country, then, then we need to do that,” and that “they can count on me to help from the state of Florida.”
“We’ve got (the Florida Highway Patrol), Fish and Wildlife. We’ve had (the National Guard). We may do more National Guard, but we also would be willing to do the Florida State Guard. And the reason why you would want to do the State Guard is because the President would not be able to federalize the State Guard,” he said Friday at a school in Kissimmee.
DeSantis said that the State Guard, which he said was formed as a reaction to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, was a better bet because it allows him to “control your own destiny” regarding where deployed troops go.
“I mean, the federal government will grab our National Guardsmen and they’ll send them all over the world,” the Governor groused.
“So why should we just have people just get plucked out of here to be doing whatever these guys in Washington want? If these are people serving the state, you know, we want to be able to have control over that.”
DeSantis made the case that the State Guard was necessary for sovereignty in the face of Washington’s dictates.
“If we have the Florida State Guard and other states have their own state guards, then that’s not something that (Joe) Biden could just simply federalize,” DeSantis said.
“And I don’t know if it’s going to come to this, but just think about what does that say to the American people, if you are federalizing the Texas National Guard in order to take barricades down from the border to let more people come in illegally,” he added, regarding a SCOTUS decision barring the state of Texas from blocking federal actions at the Mexican border.
January 26, 2024 at 11:51 am
Dee is living in the past, specifically the 1850s. But, hey, Dee had to back down and bow down to DJT and so now he can take out his frustrations and embarrassment on asylum seekers.
The Dude
January 26, 2024 at 12:01 pm
This is going to be a big deal with voters on the General Election. I give you the backlash in Europe right now as exhibit A.
Michael K
January 26, 2024 at 12:08 pm
Hasn’t he wasted enough taxpayer money on his expensive little stunts? Rohonda and what remains of the Republican Party have no interest in Congress doing its job to enact meaningful legislation. Without an immigration boogeyman, Trump and the party have nothing to run on except grievance, anger and hate.
January 28, 2024 at 12:44 pm
The budget for Dee’s private militia went from $10 million to $125 million. This year it’s expected to be even higher. And, as Madeline Albright not-too-brightly said: What’s the point of having a great military, if it is not going to get used.
Kenneth L Gallaher
January 26, 2024 at 1:05 pm
Too bad there were not a lot more hangings in 1865.
January 26, 2024 at 9:43 pm
Yeah, Lincoln was too nice to do to the rebels what the rebels would’ve done to him had they captured him.
January 26, 2024 at 2:59 pm
Amazing how these Republicans do not honor the Rule of Law and think they are little sovereigns making their own decisions; despite what the highest court has said!
January 26, 2024 at 3:09 pm
Why not send them for political gamesmanship? There are plenty of hotel rooms in the Texas – Mexico border area to house and feed the Florida National Guard while they watch Netflix and play cards 16 hours a day!
January 28, 2024 at 12:47 pm
Would be better to use the force to stop criminals from exporting firearms from the US to Mexico and points south. The trade has gotten so lucrative that cartels now pre-order what the want, and what they want (I have read) are .50 calibre long rifles and machine guns.)
Dont Say FLA
January 26, 2024 at 3:14 pm
There’s actually still some who didn’t resign after learning what the squad was really all about?
January 27, 2024 at 11:17 am
I’m guessing the force is comprised of the otherwise unemployable — or those who would be forced into laboring below their imagined station.
Dancing Outlaw
January 29, 2024 at 2:33 pm
DeSantis is sending State of Florida employees over to Texas to make land crossings into the USA more challenging.
What does Ron think the result will be when land crossing into the USA are made too troublesome? No more immigrants?
Silly Ron. You’re just going displace them onto boats that land on Florida’s gulf coast. Maybe Abbott will send you some losers to help out after y’all “succeed” at securing the land border in Texas.
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