Gov. Ron DeSantis is fulminating about rich people he went to college with, calling them “legacies” who were “anti-American” despite having material advantages he did not.
“The folks that had been legacies from these universities or came from some of those multigenerational families of wealth, they tended to be the ones who were the most anti-American and were most left-wing in their activism,” the Governor told podcaster Jesse Kelly.
DeSantis contrasted his “blue-collar” roots with some wealthier peers, finding irony in their willingness to question an economic system that benefited them.
“So, it’s interesting because they would fashion themselves as, like, standing up for the working people that I was one of those working people making minimum wage jobs to skate through. And I actually believed in the values of this country, and they had benefited so much from it, and they turned their back on it.”
The Governor’s comments were spurred by host Kelly asking about “useless commie scum,” referring to scions of the Ford, Walt Disney, and Chase fortunes being “pieces of trash,” which DeSantis called an “interesting question.”
“If you look at some of these foundations like the Ford Foundation (and) some of these others, they were really (created by) great industrialists of the past, and now you go a few generations forward, and they are funding massive funding of hard left causes that are functionally anti-American and anti-the values that allowed their families to accumulate that wealth in the first place.”
“I’ve said that those organizations are things that we should look at for scrutiny because they get massive tax benefits. They don’t really pay taxes, and yet they’re really having a major political impact,” DeSantis lamented.
DeSantis predicated his presidential campaign on being a blue-collar boy who made it. While he may not have generational wealth yet, he’s well on his way after a bestselling book. His last reported net worth to Florida was a tidy $1,174,331.07.
Dont Say FLA
March 1, 2024 at 1:28 pm
That certainly didn’t long after the Rhonda campaign implosion for hobnobbing with the rich to taste all sour grapes to Rhonda’s Kermit the Frog mouth.
Elon Mush
March 1, 2024 at 1:30 pm
Ron I told you not to try calling me anymore, and I told Mrs Ron to stop stalking me. Take your L like a little big man. Don’t stamp your feet like Trump. It’s pathetic.
Ron is Right
March 1, 2024 at 1:50 pm
Right is right about scrutinizing foundations.
While we’re at it, let’s scrutinize all his expenditures from the State of Florida Treasury.
The DeSantis Campaign is over. There’s no longer any need to hide financials due to potential character attacks based on expenditures that were certainly and of course 100% legitimate but could potentially have been misconstrued into some fabricated questionable appearance that might have falsely damaged the Ron DeSantis campaign.
The campaign is done. Let’s scrutinize the spending on Ron that was done.
I could understand closing the financials vector for false attacks on the campaign, but the campaign has ended. It’s time to let the Sunshine in.
March 1, 2024 at 2:16 pm
So, DeSantis says all his rich fellow students at the two — glutton for punishment — two Ivy League colleges he attended were all anti-American communist pinkos, folks who no doubt scorned the business and law degrees they earned, folks who told Dad, “No, thanks, Pop, I don’t want to run the multi-million dollar family business, I’m going to a commune in California.
Hmmm, let me take another whiff of this. Hold on, let me get behind it for another whiff….
Yup, I thought so. It’s bullshit.
March 1, 2024 at 3:07 pm
More of the anti-woke, anti- DEI harranging that didn’t work out too well in his jaunt for the WH. Give it up Rhonda. The foundations he bad-mouths and wants to “investigate” are heads and shoulders above the morals, or lack thereof, exhibited by the likes of Henry Ford, the ultimate brownshirt.
Michael K
March 1, 2024 at 3:28 pm
Such a bitter old hack. Progressives – people ho are committed to progress – are the people who make this nation great – not unoriginal petty little tyrants like the DeSanti who try to drag us back to the 1850s. Can they please just disappear?
March 1, 2024 at 3:33 pm
I’ve said that those organizations are things that we should look at for scrutiny because they get massive tax benefits. They don’t really pay taxes, and yet they’re really having a major political impact,” DeSantis lamented.
Uh.. can we add the word, ”religious” in front of organizations? Talk about political impact!
Put your money where your mouth is
March 1, 2024 at 6:18 pm
While the hypocrisy and irrelevance by the gov is breathtaking, can’t disagree on principle. If churches, foundations, and 501(c)3s plus campaign finance organizations in all their Byzantine forms, were held to the same standards as INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS and W-2 workers in this country, we wouldn’t have a d@mn deficit. Fixed. Fine. Done. And I say this as a (flawed but earnest) person of faith who believes unequivocally in the separation of church and state, and “render under Caesar what is Caesar’’s and to God what is God’s.” I mean, how much clearer can you get?)
Many states are going towards a flat tax for individual income tax and already seeing benefits in growth and budgets. Can you just imagine the impact if they actually got their act together on the federal level on these types of organizations? Majority of which are straight up tax shelters and funnels, let’s face it. The legit ones can afford to pay as the cost of doing business. They run like businesses, buy and sell, pay (often very high) salaries, etc.
CLOSE ALL LOOPHOLES AND EXCEPTIONS. Implement real scrutiny and at least a minimum flat tax! It’s not rocket science. For that matter, why don’t the DeSanti put their money where their mouth is?
March 1, 2024 at 9:58 pm
This article gave me whiplash. Just last session Dee’s disciples in Tallahassee passed and Dee signed a law wooing out-of-states trusts to relocate to Florida where they would be granted 1,000-year free passes on taxes.
Only the very wealthy can afford to avoid paying taxes
March 2, 2024 at 6:41 pm
Trust laws in the U.S. are a beautiful thing in theory but the way they are enacted on a large scale have become the number one vehicle for legal abuse–read legal because there is no effective oversight, and abuse because it allows for extreme tax avoidance and evasion. There is a difference in theory between illegal tax evasion and legal tax avoidance–something that has been enshrined in the American system since inception–but in mass effect on the economy there is not much difference. The ineffective application, prosecution, and oversight of trust laws, particularly where they apply to tax havens and shell companies, have turned America into a money laundering tax haven funnel like nothing seen in human history, and those in power wish it to be so. The UK was responsible for this system and the US is its heir and beneficiary. The US is out of step with the rest of the developed world regarding enforcement of Financial Action Task Force regulations and norms, but gets a pass because there’s really no mechanism for enforcement. No teeth. The real truth has always been that only the very wealthy can afford to avoid paying taxes. And it’s ok to be a criminal as long as you are very successful at it. It has always been so and always will be.
My Take
March 3, 2024 at 1:27 am
His outlook is not blue collar, it is redneck.
It has a big dose of “who you hate” and enjoying bullying and hurting people.
March 3, 2024 at 5:39 pm
Either DeSantis is suffering from cognitive decline, or he is just revealing his bigotry, as usual. This begs the question: how in the world did someone with such a tiny brain ever get admitted to Yale and Harvard? Was it because of his baseball talents? Was it
a case of affirmative action? Quota?
How could anyone educated at either of these two universities still carry around the ignorance and small-mindedness of a Florida hick after having been exposed to the greatest ideas of World civilizations, past and present? This has to just be more of DeSantis’s performative nonsense! To appeal to his red-neck base.
Dont Say FLA
March 4, 2024 at 8:05 pm
He reportedly was not this dumb going into college, but that was before baseball safety equipment caught up with other sports and he took a whole lot of balls to the chin.
March 4, 2024 at 12:00 pm
“Anti-American rich”, i.e. all of the major donors to the Tiny D campaign and his (lol) Never Back Down PAC.
Also, all elected RepubliQans.
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