Florida’s senior Senator is excoriating the State of the Union as delivered by President Joe Biden as providing abundant evidence of his age, infirmity and incapacity to serve.
“It was a proof of life speech. That’s what it was. He said: ‘I’m alive, and I’m able to give a speech that I can read off a teleprompter. I’m able to whisper, but mostly scream, and I’m able to say things that are really mean about the Republican Party and the Supreme Court. I can make claims that they’re going to get rid of Social Security,'” Marco Rubio told Sean Hannity.
Biden’s delivery was indeed closer to yelling than whispering, and that was a leitmotif of the Senator’s interview comments on Fox News.
“The whole thing was weird. I was actually concerned for him. It was really strange,” Rubio said.
“Here’s the No. 1 problem: going into tonight, there were people in his own party that were really worried about him. Does he have the energy? Is he too old? Does he have the mental and physical stamina? So I think they told him he had to go in there and show energy, and to him, that meant, ‘Let me scream like the guy that screams at you to get off his lawn.’”
Rubio went on to malign the President for his ongoing attempts to reckon with Israel’s onslaught on Gaza, an ongoing attack justified by the Hamas attacks five months ago, noting that despite calls for a port for Gaza and a two-state solution, the hard left is still disenchanted with the President, as evidenced by protesters on the streets of Washington, D.C.
“Tonight, he almost didn’t make it. I’m sure one of the reasons why he was late is he had these radical Hamas supporters, many of them key voters in the base of his party, that were blocking them from leaving the White House. They had to deal with those crazies. The images have been on television all afternoon. Just wait till the convention, when those crazies get there.”
Political conventions have often had to deal with demonstrative elements, with the modern nadir being the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, where violence marred the nomination of Hubert Humphrey and arguably helped Richard Nixon become President. More recently, “free speech zones” were used to corral disaffected attendees at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, where John Kerry was nominated.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
March 9, 2024 at 8:31 am
Good Morn ‘ting America,
Marco would be 110% better than Demanta J0e,
“The Donald” would be 110% than Marco, and “The Ronald” (along with his lovely wife Casey) would be 110% better than “The Donald”.
*ps, America, you should forget about, (RINO) Karl Rove, (RINO) Mike Huckabee, (RINO) Newt Gingrich, along with any and all other political “Experts” and focus your attention 110% on any and all “Political Prognistacations” which come from ME, Earl Pitts “Sage Patriot Political Expert” American 110% of the time.*
Thank you America,
*pss dont forget to Spring Forward tomorrow, (Sunday) by setting your clocks forward 1 hour. We do this every year so us Sage Patriots can enjoy an Extra Hour of “Sphincter Relaxation”.*
Dont Say FLA
March 9, 2024 at 9:01 am
Is Little Marco even qualified to criticize the SOTU’s Republican response, Rich White Lady In Fancy Kitchen Losing Her Shit For No Reasons Made Evident By Her?
March 9, 2024 at 9:17 am
Katie Britt is just bat crap crazy. As someone said, the only question is who will play her on Saturday Night Live. I get that I’m not the target audience for whatever message she was trying to get across but surely they could have found someone better to deliver it.
Robert Murdock
March 9, 2024 at 9:16 am
If Presidents have absolute immunity, can’t Joe Biden send Seal Team Six to end the life appointments of the 2 Supreme Court justices Mitch McConnell stole and then Trump, receiving the stolen goods, made those 2 appointments?
Those two justices shouldn’t be on the Supreme Court. Their appointments were rigged. According to Trump’s legal defense, it definitely falls within the duties of the sitting President, even after losing re-election but while still holding the office, to do whatever it takes to remedy a fixed election or appointment.
Kavanaugh and Ms Coney Hyphen Barret shouldn’t be there. Roe v Wade shouldn’t have been turned over. Gay marriage shouldn’t be turned over.
According to Trump’s theory of law, Biden can end the lifetime appointments of Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett.
Coney Barrett isn’t even a true Conservative or she wouldn’t have a hyphen name. She’d have taken her husband’s name like the Bible says. so I don’t even think too many people on the Right would be that upset if her lifetime appointment were ended by Absolute Immunity Biden.
March 9, 2024 at 9:41 am
I suppose he loves the anger, rants, lies and misinformation and threats that Trump throws out on a daily basis. What a contrast between the policies of Joe Biden in wanting to help those in our country and caring about freedom and democracy, Now Rubio is even saying that maybe some of the money from GOP donations should go to Trump’s legal bills. See any problem here???
March 9, 2024 at 9:53 am
Time for Rubio to reach for his bottle of water — he said all we needed to hear from him, and more. NADA!
March 9, 2024 at 10:11 am
“I was actually concerned for him.”
March 10, 2024 at 12:35 pm
Li’l Marco is living a lie — having to suck up to DJT, a man who successfully belittled and humiliated him. Cognitive dissonance BIG TIME …
Phil Morton
March 9, 2024 at 9:53 am
He’s jealous. Joe Biden was on fire Thursday night. Marco only wishes he could give a speech that good.
March 10, 2024 at 1:37 pm
Rubio needs to give us a “proof of spine” speech someday. So far he’s offered no evidence of having one.
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