Republican Voters Against Trump shares Florida voter stories in $50M ad blitz
Doug, a Florida voter, backed Trump in 2016 but can't do it again. Screenshot via Republican Voters.Against Trump

Doug Republican Voters Against Trump
7 former Trump voters in Florida posted videos explaining why they can't do it again.

A new $50 million ad campaign will help share stories from Florida voters who previously backed Donald Trump but won’t again.

Republican Voters Against Trump just launched a major digital project featuring lengthy, first-person testimonials, which will be pushed on digital platforms targeting swing states.

It’s part of an effort from the Republican Accountability PAC. Organizers of the campaign said the goal is to shore up support in states where Joe Biden performed well when he defeated Trump in 2020, based in part on the number of moderate and anti-Trump Republicans who supported the Democrat. Ads will appear on TV, streaming, radio, billboards and digital media.

“Former Republicans and Republican-leaning voters hold the key to 2024, and reaching them with credible, relatable messengers is essential to re-creating the anti-Trump coalition that made the difference in 2020,” said Sarah Longwell, President of Republican Accountability PAC.

“It establishes a permission structure that says that — whatever their complaints about Joe Biden — Donald Trump is too dangerous and too unhinged to ever be President again. Who better to make this case than the voters who used to support him?”

The campaign initially will focus on reaching “blue wall” states that went to Trump in 2016 but Biden in 2020. But it will include several voices from Florida, all sharing specifically conservative reasons why they can’t back Trump again.

A Florida voter named Joanna described in a nearly four-minute video how she initially thought Trump had “great energy.” But she was upset multiple times over his first term, including during the George Floyd protests in Washington when Trump shook a Bible at demonstrators outside St. John’s Church.

“I just thought it was gross. I don’t think he shares our faith. I feel that he was almost mocking it and in a way, almost trying to weaponize it,” she said. “And I thought, that is absolutely not Christian beliefs. That’s not principles. That’s not what I want to see in our leader.”

A Gainesville voter named Alan said in a video running under a minute that he feels Trump is too controlled by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I just think the evidence is overwhelming and everything he does is to support Putin,” he said.

“If Trump were to get in, I mean, what’s going to happen? He’s going to cut off Ukraine. Ukraine could fall. He’s told people that he’s not going to defend Europe. Putin will be able to start attacking countries on the edge. It’ll just be World War III. In 2024 if Biden’s the way to keep Trump out, I’ll vote for him, reluctantly, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Trump out of power.”

Repeatedly, voters bring up the events of Jan. 6, 2021, when pro-Trump protesters rioted at the Capitol in an attempt to disrupt certification of Biden’s electoral victory. Doug, a Florida voter who backed Trump in 2016 with Supreme Court Justices in mind but was done with him by 2020, said the events of that day cemented his view on the Republican President.

“Trump’s behavior was unbelievable,” he said. “We didn’t have a peaceful transfer of power. That upset me. His behavior when the raid on the Capitol started and it took him three hours to finally tell his supporters to stop, and he really didn’t try to do anything when they were saying ‘hang Mike Pence,’ our Vice President, (it) just was unbelievable to me how he acted. In good conscience, I cannot vote for Trump again.”

Jacob Ogles

Jacob Ogles has covered politics in Florida since 2000 for regional outlets including SRQ Magazine in Sarasota, The News-Press in Fort Myers and The Daily Commercial in Leesburg. His work has appeared nationally in The Advocate, Wired and other publications. Events like SRQ’s Where The Votes Are workshops made Ogles one of Southwest Florida’s most respected political analysts, and outlets like WWSB ABC 7 and WSRQ Sarasota have featured his insights. He can be reached at [email protected].


  • Michael K

    March 12, 2024 at 11:49 am

    It’s good to know that there are principled Republicans in Florida with decency who are brave enough to publicly reject a cult leader who has no respect for the Constitution or the office he seeks.

    • Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American

      March 13, 2024 at 8:20 pm

      Good evening America,
      These are just “Leftist Stooges” who are picking up a little casg pretending to be former Trump voters.
      Please the general public is not so stupid to believe this “Cock and Bull” pack of lies.
      Earl Pitts “Myth Buster” American
      *there will be a small number of “Lower Functioning” Leftys” who will beleive this pack of lies*

      • rick whitaker

        March 15, 2024 at 1:37 pm

        earl, you got a lot of gaul to call lefties low functioning and stooges. you are a stooge’s stooge ( similar to punk’s punk ), and you are so low functioning that you think 60’s and 70’s potty humor is funny. lie mongers like you earl, hate it when the truth comes out from when maga types try to repress it with ridiculous lies. earl, you despise me because i see you for what you are really like. you need to take meds and be quite.

        • Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American

          March 15, 2024 at 7:01 pm

          Thank you Rick,
          Your just The Best at making me look GREAT with your contrarian wacky leftist followups to my Sage Wisdom.
          Together we lead our Great Nation back to the Sanity and Humanity of Republican Leadership. We could never get 8iden out of office without you always having my back.
          Our Great Nation Bends a Knee to you Rick for your Sage Service in our Military and your Perserverance in helping ME, Earl Pitts American, return our AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL back to Republican Leadership. You Rick are Saving The Republic ….. SALUTE!!!!!!

    • The Depravity Of Christianity

      March 16, 2024 at 5:44 am

      There aren’t.

      • Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American

        March 16, 2024 at 1:18 pm

        Good afternoon Depravity,
        You are hereby placed under a full weeks Chastizement for thinking bad things about my Sage Employee, Rick Whitaker.
        Plus a second week of Chastizemtnt ( to run concurantly ) for publishing “Hate Speach” about Rick.
        Earl Pitts American

  • PeterH

    March 12, 2024 at 12:32 pm

    And to think that both of our Republican Senators and to my knowledge all of the Republican House members in Congress have endorsed Trump for president.

    Republicans are America’s worst enemy!

    Vote all Republicans out of office!

  • VD

    March 12, 2024 at 1:25 pm

    The two above commentators are the real cultists / zombies. Joe can’t even remember when his son died. He is sooooooo far gone mentally but they continue to support him. The scary part of all of this is the possibility that Ka Manna Wanna could end up as CIC. Think about that.

    • Michael K

      March 12, 2024 at 3:02 pm

      Fun fact: Can you tell me when Trump appeared liver, in person, in front of independent counsel in any of his myriad investigations?
      HINT: Never. And never, ever under oath, because if he did, he would commit perjury.

    • Tom

      March 13, 2024 at 8:23 am

      So you’re voting for trump and calling other people cultists & zombies. I guess self awareness is not your strong suit.

      • Dont Say FLA

        March 14, 2024 at 1:43 pm

        VD probably won’t be voting for Trump. Only US Citizens can vote for “Trump” or “No, Still Not Trump,” aka Biden.

    • rick whitaker

      March 15, 2024 at 1:40 pm

      vd, does vd stand for very deluded? i hope you are smart enough to know what deluded is.

    • The Depravity Of Christianity

      March 16, 2024 at 5:45 am

      A fine Christian you are. Perfect.

  • Paul

    March 12, 2024 at 3:13 pm

    Nikki Haley and Lynne. Cheney should form an independent ticket just to siphon votes from Trump. Both understand how dangerous he really is

  • Bohdan D. Shandor

    March 12, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    Calling people who express their views “Cultists” is as disgusting as Trump. I was the SWFL Coordinator for Trump 2016- why? Because I knew Clinton’s were corrupt, so I wanted the clean the Swamp candidate. I was invited to the Inauguration (which is not usual) and the Inaugural Balls. Having been to Inaugural Balls before when I was a Member of the RN Committee from NJ- I passed.
    It comes down to this– does Trump’s arrogance, Russian for the law and lying match up to what you hold as an example for kids.
    Does his bravado- “Putin can do what he wants!”
    a statement you want to hear from ANY Presidential Candidate? I think not.
    Finally, ask about character– what attributes has Trump shown? Taking documentd, even if done by others, does not excuse his mindless justification – I had the power to do it.
    We will find more about Trumpmand his family but not before Elections — his son in law gets a $2Billion capital investment from Saudi Arabia! Where is the outrage? Where is Congress on investigating this left handed payoff?
    I frankly am sick and tired of all the Apprentice style drama. Having been a BIG SUPPORTER, I can now state clearly-
    I Will Vote for the first time in my life for a Democrat, Biden, if that’s the choice.

    • Marianne Rossi-Brown

      March 12, 2024 at 4:28 pm

      I think you mean he is NOT qualified. We must protect our democracy from this man who wants to be a dictator. Having Viktor Orban going to Mar-a-Lago to meet with him should definitely scare people away. I am thankful to those republicans who can see that he’s unfit to be our president.

  • Bohdan D. Shandor

    March 12, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    My prior comment has Typos – please allow me to correct them, if you wish to be perceived as unbiased. If that doesn’t concern you – it’s a bigger problem.

    • Kim Rhody

      March 12, 2024 at 4:04 pm

      I’m glad you saw your typos. I reread your last two statement over again several times thinking I was missing something. Thank you for your to defeat Trump.👍🏼👍🏼

  • Lauren Platz

    March 12, 2024 at 7:54 pm

    This cannot be the best we can do. Why were you not publicly involved in finding and funding new men and women to run in the coming years? I admit that we are screwed this time around and I am dumbfounded as to how we got here. How on earth did “he” ever blind the Republican Party leadership and base so completely? Why were we so silent for far too long? What were we afraid of? Being called out for being the first to say the emperor had no clothes? Look where we are now! I am a Christian pastor and a licensed trauma therapist! The Donald has done so much damage to the church and to our country that I don’t know where to start! My video would have been a 3 part, 6 hour documentary beginning with the fact that he cannot tell the truth! Ok. Enough ranting. Sorry. Let’s concede that we have lost the next 4 years no matter what and find the candidate we can be proud to support next election! And let’s offer real help to anyone who has been lost in the mire of this narcissistic sociopath for far too long.


      March 12, 2024 at 8:28 pm

      I feel violated that people could actually believe that TRUMP IS A PUPPET FOR PUTIN!!!

      LISTEN UP! Decorum, a manner of public respect…is the acceptable behavior FOR LEADERS to behave.

      No, a president calling another COUNTRY’S LEADER…NAMES…is counter productive.


      AND, remember .. he had done a fine job…how? Quietly, respectfully, strongly.

      You need to reevaluate, your thinking…a girl from NEW JERSEY…just my opinion.

      • Tom

        March 13, 2024 at 8:27 am

        The russian bots have started already I see.

      • Elicia

        March 14, 2024 at 10:06 am

        IF you are indeed an American:
        1. your comment that begins “LISTEN UP!” is not referencing DT. Reasons are: he has no decorum, he has no respect for anyone or anything… he as a leader never showed proper behavior.
        2. DT is the ONLY one who has ever called another country’s leaders names. He calls everyone names because he doesn’t know how to speak intelligently. He reverts to name calling and weird made-up word rhyming because that is what his cult followers understand. He is a 5-year-old having a temper tantrum 24/7/365.
        3. DT “UNDERSTANDS ATTACK BEHIND CLOSED DOORS” what does that even mean? You are babbling with this statement.
        4. So, Jersey girl, I need you to elaborate on the fine job you think he has done….and how he has quietly, respectfully and strongly done so. Apparently, you don’t understand what those words actually mean and neither does he.

      • Dont Say FLA

        March 14, 2024 at 1:46 pm

        Trump is not a puppet for Putin.

        Trump is Putin’s Pocket Pussy.

        Putin whips his pocket pussy out and strokes himself with Donald J Trump whenever he gets bored and lonely

      • rick whitaker

        March 14, 2024 at 6:14 pm

        marlene = human with deleted hard drive

        • Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American

          March 14, 2024 at 9:09 pm

          Good evening Rick,
          As my top employee and Chief Of Staff (COS) I, Earl Pitts American, want you to be first to know about some hot information I juat received from Paul Drake, our top investigator.
          Rick we have solid information all of the “Shills” in the above article have 1.) been Dook 4 Brains Leftys all their lives and 2.) all actually voted 8iden in the last POTUS election.
          As my Sage Chief Of Staff please disseminate the above findings to all of our employes tonight by email and get ready to blow this “False-Hood Pack Of Lies” wide open with me in our Address To The Sage Nation. We will be giving a Sage Press Conference together (you and ME Rick) tomorrow at 9:45 AM in “The Rose Garden” of Statley Pitts Mannor (the mannor-house on Thr Potomic).Thanks Rick I know I can count on you.
          Earl Pitts American

          • rick whitaker

            March 15, 2024 at 8:44 am

            earl, what the fuk are you talking about you moron? go suck your own stick. shew dog, shew dog, geeeet

    • The Depravity Of Christianity

      March 16, 2024 at 5:46 am

      It is your VERY best.

  • tom dipasqua

    March 12, 2024 at 11:15 pm

    Let’s see, Trump went to Helsinki to kiss Putin’s ring after Russian banks bailed Trump out of his Atlantic City fiasco ( read his tax returns) then said he would weaken this countries commitment to NATO, decided that he and the North Korean leader were in love and decided that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. This is all after paying off a porn star he was having an affair with, not to mention having to pay damages to a woman he is accused of raping.
    Yes he is a great role model

  • Dont Say FLA

    March 13, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    Good to know some Republican voters can see what’s right in front of them. I’d like to hear from some who do plan to vote Trump again.

    When they claim it’s his policies, I’d like to hear why they prefer Trump instead of the other Republicans in the Primary who had all the same policies.

    When they claim he represents them, I’d like to hear how. How does he represent his voters unless we are talking about three specific voters, Melania, Don Jr, and Eric. I don’t get it.

    I don’t get how anybody could prefer Trump above all other candidates that were in the GOP primary.

    Except Rhonda, of course. Even I would pick Trump over Rhonda. I do get that one. That preference is very clearly understood.

    • Tom

      March 14, 2024 at 8:25 am

      I think a lot of people were fooled into believing trump’s BS back in 2016 and are too embarrassed to admit they made a mistake so they’re prepared to go down with the ship. The few people I know who supported him don’t like him anymore. Whether or not they’ll vote against him remains to be seen.

  • Tiny Wiil

    March 14, 2024 at 3:02 pm

    Shame works

    • Dont Say FLA

      March 16, 2024 at 11:53 am

      Are you Nancy Mace? LOL. Yelling “Shame” does not work when asked how you, a politician with a story to tell, and the story you tell is “I survived being raped 30 years ago,” and you’re asked how to reconcile your political strategy of being anti-rape with your support for rapist Trump.

      Nancy, you claim Trump isn’t a rapist because his convictions for rape were in civil court, not criminal. Stephanopolous was far too generous in letting you go on yelling “Shame.” He should have asked you to provide the criminal conviction of the person that you say raped you. Because you can’t. There’s no criminal conviction. There’s no civil conviction. There’s not even a name you’ve ever disclosed.

      Nancy Mace, by your own rules for what qualifies a person to have “rapist” status, and therefore to have committed rape, and therefore to exist some person who can legitimately, in YOUR OWN opinion, claim rape victim status, you are NOT a rape victim.

      Nancy Mace, you are a liar. Your political career based on your claim of being a rape victim, is nothing but a sham. According to your own statements, there is no rapist, so you were never raped!

  • TS 13

    March 14, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    When the MAGAs start with their death threats on these seven people, TS-13 will react. TS-13 will be these people’s retribution.

    TS-13 is standing by, but TS-13 is not standing down. Speed dial is set for swatting all threatening MAGAs like they’re flies on a cow puck.

    (Some still refer to us as Swifties)

  • John L

    March 18, 2024 at 9:34 am

    This election will be determine by which disgruntled party of party does not show up the most. ( The never trumpers vs the Farl left progressives) . Neither one is happy with their candidate and will show it by not voting.

Comments are closed.


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