A Senator from Florida is arguing that new aid for the ongoing proxy war in Ukraine is being privileged over needed help for American soldiers.
In a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio questions “diverting money from quality of life projects for U.S. service members, such as badly needed housing projects, in order to fund the DoD’s operations to support Ukraine.”
“The U.S. cannot fight and win wars without our people, and ensuring that our service members and their families are afforded decent housing, competitive pay, and resources to help them thrive wherever the U.S. military calls them to serve should be the top priority of the Department,” Rubio contends.
The Senator draws a direct connection between bad treatment of American troops and an ongoing crisis in recruitment and retention.
“I have seen the impacts of the quality of life issues and the concerns with housing, pay, and resources at the many installations in Florida. That is why recent reporting stating the U.S. Army is considering diverting money from ‘badly needed barracks construction or enlistment incentives amid record-low recruiting’ is concerning,” Rubio asserts, citing a CNN report that uses that same quote.
The Senator asks Austin to “publicly commit to not reprogram funding intended to support U.S. service members quality of life programs, or recruitment and retention money, for any foreign county, including Ukraine.” He also wonders if other countries have gotten monies that should have been earmarked for American armed forces and their families.
Per the State Department, the U.S. has committed to a new round of aid, consisting of “up to $300 million of arms and equipment under previously directed drawdowns for Ukraine.”
“Capabilities provided in today’s package include Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), artillery shells, anti-tank weapons, demolitions, and small arms ammunition, and spare parts and other ancillary equipment.”
Dont Say FLA
March 14, 2024 at 4:23 pm
The money had to come from somewhere. It’s supposed to come from Congress. If Little Marco and his little useless MAGA buddies did their jobs, the money could have come from the place Little Marco claims today he would have preferred.
March 14, 2024 at 4:26 pm
March 14, 2024 at 4:27 pm
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Take A Look Here……………>
March 14, 2024 at 4:28 pm
March 14, 2024 at 4:31 pm
Rubio is presenting a bogus argument. The report he refers to, which he quotes, says “the U.S. Army is considering diverting money.” That refers to the future, or more precisely, a future possibility.
For Rubio to say that a future consideration has caused the military housing and recruitment problems of the last several years is a bogus proposition. Granted, the problems would get worse if money were diverted, but the problems of the present are the result of something other than a future proposition. He knows that.
There’s a very real possibility that the military is threatening to divert money in order to light a fire under the likes of Rubio, who has twice voted against aid for Ukraine in the last month.
He sounds like he is auditioning to be Trump’s pick for Secretary of Defense, just in case Trump wins.
Marvin M.
March 14, 2024 at 4:55 pm
Good points.
But yikes, Rubio on Trump’s cabinet anywhere is a frightening thought, I mean, since he has demonstrated he won’t use the brains God did give him to stand up to Trump.
Impeach Biden
March 14, 2024 at 8:03 pm
Yet you are fine with dummies like Granholm / Buttigieg / and Mayorkas on the cabinet. Let’s not forget Kamana Wanna as VP.
March 15, 2024 at 1:02 pm
They are doing their jobs well. Tell me why the trump party will not support the immigration bill that will address the flow of folks into our country. It has the support of law enforcement that protect our borders and it was a bill developed by Republicans and Democrats.
March 15, 2024 at 8:53 pm
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Josh Green
March 14, 2024 at 4:47 pm
Little Marco is in the Kremlin’s pocket.
March 14, 2024 at 7:43 pm
And Marco is late to the dance as the complaints about pay, substandard housing, and benefits for enlisted soldier and their families has been going on for years.
Must be Thursday
March 14, 2024 at 9:25 pm
Rubio talks about something he could have done something about before, but only because he wants to do something else. Must be Thursday. Florida is a huge military state and I can’t remember him talking about military wellbeing or recruiting issues despite years of opportunity. Huh. Maybe some issues with Army recruitment have to do with 2 decades worth of disastrous war on terror engagements with disastrous ends, unlimited extended and repeat deployments on fast fail missions, or how new recruits are (not) trained, (not) promoted, and (not) treated overall, particularly women. The recruitment and retention is not a US military problem. It’s a US Army problem, and largely a cultural and operational one at that. Money will not solve the problem. The Army has serious modernization issues and internal issues with the way it treats its people. Until that is solved, recruitment and retention will be an ongoing issue. There are a lot of headwinds. But don’t hold your breath on Rubio doing anything real about it other than talk. He’s had more opportunity than any other US senator. Hope I’m wrong.
Impeach Biden
March 14, 2024 at 8:31 pm
Do remind us who had a job on the BOD for Burisma. Daddy had to help since Hunter did not speak a lick of their native language. Why can’t Hunter get a job with a US petrochemical company?
March 15, 2024 at 9:55 am
There you go again, as Ronald Reagan used to say.
And, like RR, you have a problem staying on topic.
Impeach Biden
March 15, 2024 at 10:47 am
I just needed to get your attention. I have lots of feet pics for sale if you want any. I’m late on the payments on my trailer.
Harold Finch
March 16, 2024 at 5:52 pm
Your an idiot! Rubio despises Putin, publicly has called him a murderering ceiminal and has railed against Russian War Crimes.
March 16, 2024 at 9:22 pm
So, he despises Putin but won’t extend more military and other assistance to a smaller neighbor reeling from Putin’s personal war?
That does not compute — unless you want us to believe that Marco is that compromised.
March 14, 2024 at 9:06 pm
Wow rubio is really a corrupt kremlin bootlicker who deserves to be charged with treason, and the idiot who wrote this article saying the russian invasion of Ukraine is America’s “proxy war” must have smoked crack before writing that
Look it up, Trump
March 14, 2024 at 9:35 pm
Británica definition of a proxy war: “proxy war, a military conflict in which one or more third parties directly or indirectly support one or more state or nonstate combatants in an effort to influence the conflict’s outcome and thereby to advance their own strategic interests or to undermine those of their opponents. Third parties in a proxy war do not participate in the actual fighting to any significant extent, if at all. Proxy wars enable major powers to avoid direct confrontation with each other as they compete for influence and resources. Direct means of support by third parties consist of military aid and training, economic assistance, and sometimes limited military operations with surrogate forces. Indirect means of support have included blockades, sanctions, trade embargoes, and other strategies designed to thwart a rival’s ambitions.“
The war on Ukraine is a textbook definition of a proxy war. Why don’t you look something up before calling someone an idiot.
March 14, 2024 at 9:48 pm
This means they’re running out of money. So far, the majority of the billions of aid to Ukraine, outside of the direct cash paid to Ukraine from congressionally approved funding, has been through a kind of reimbursement to the DOD for their “donation” of capital and resources and thus a kind of loophole. The justification of this is as the DOD replaces said capital (equipment, resources) it will de facto serve to modernize and upgrade much needed replacements. If they’re even thinking of borrowing from general welfare / Human Resources funds, it means the costs exceed the “reimbursement” and they are out of money. None of this is an honest conversation. If Rubio really wanted to get results he’d come clean about this, but it’s also a matter of national security. Russia knows.
Stephen Williams
March 14, 2024 at 10:09 pm
“Proxy war” is a term used by Putin apologists to portray Russia as a victim of the U.S. — as if we’re attacking Russia by helping Ukraine resist violent subjugation.
Josh Green
March 15, 2024 at 12:22 pm
Eh, Not really. Eff Little Marco and the GOP pigs who are in Putin’s pocket, but the term “Proxy War” isn’t a new concept or term, and that’s exactly what we are doing in Ukraine. And I fully support it.
Michael K
March 15, 2024 at 1:06 pm
Little Marco comes to us at the expense of democracy, decency, and sensible gun legislation, to name a few. But clearly, he is now a Putin Puppet like the rest of his corrupt party.
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