A U.S. Senator from Florida is demanding sanctions on the Nicaraguan government amid ongoing targeted harassment of ministers from the United States.
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is joined by Republican colleagues Katie Britt, Ted Cruz and Tommy Tuberville in demanding targeted sanctions on the country for “repeated violations of religious freedom.”
Scott and his colleagues claim Catholic missionaries are especially targeted, particularly among the Mountain Gateway group, which saw three of its American emissaries arrested by the regime of Daniel Ortega and Zoilamérica Ortega Murillo in January.
“These actions are the latest chilling representation of the oppression of human rights in Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela under their evil regimes, and a call to action for the United States to show strength in defense of human rights, democracy and freedom in our Hemisphere,” Scott and the other Republicans note.
The letter describes “an exponential increase in human rights abuses in Nicaragua, focused on eliminating any opposition since the pro-democracy protests in 2018.”
“In a move taken from the playbook of dangerous regimes in Cuba and Venezuela, the Ortega-Murillo regime has repressed all dissent by way of jailing, murdering and even exiling many political prisoner opposition leaders to the United States,” the letter continues.
“The regime’s efforts to dismantle civil society institutions have resulted in the shuttering of more than 3,500 NGOs in Nicaragua, including the Nicaraguan Red Cross. The Ortega-Murillo regime has also seized the assets of Mountain Gateway and these other institutions.”
The Senators urge the Joe Biden administration to “stand strong against the thugs who are oppressing the people of Nicaragua, as well as Venezuela and Cuba, and … stand with the Nicaraguan people and pressure the Ortega-Murillo regime until religious freedom and human rights (are) restored, democracy upheld and the release of all political prisoners is secured.”
Dont Say FLA
March 14, 2024 at 4:44 pm
Cat juggling?!!!!
Christian Groomers
March 14, 2024 at 4:53 pm
Nicaragua knows how to treat actual groomers, Christians from USA.
March 14, 2024 at 5:12 pm
It is a terrible dictatorship there in how it treats most of their people. The wife of Ortego is Vice-President and the president and wife seem to be encroached permanently in their positions. There is a very real reason why people are fleeing this horrible regime.
Tell the truth
March 14, 2024 at 6:12 pm
RS has no business grandstanding and needs to focus on doing his job for Florida. Party of Reagan responsible for so many atrocities against Nicaragua. Remember Iran contra? Secret operations against a standing democratically elected government? Attacking Nicaragua right at the time things were going well just because Reagan wanted a crony capitalist country he could control and manipulate instead of one that practiced Christian socialism with a mixed economy? Whatever Nicaragua looks like now is is no small part due to US interference and big footing to disastrous ends. RA needs to go back to school or sit down and shut up.
March 14, 2024 at 6:25 pm
Sanctions are the new opiate of a declining and exhausted neoliberal power with rudderless foreign policy and a do nothing congress who love to make speeches on morality about affairs which are not their own.
The divisions in the Catholic Church in Nicaragua between progressives and conservatives are a longstanding and complex issue. This is a matter for diplomacy to bring home those US citizens who are not safe there, if they wish to return home. It is not a matter of grandstanding and trying to escalate to a military or international schism. Scott needs to stay in his lane. His histrionics don’t help anyone. He needs to re read his job description.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
March 14, 2024 at 7:12 pm
Good evening Rick
Haiti Rick, not Nicarauga,
Thank you Rick. I, Earl Pitts American, dont mind giving you “Sage Correction And Direction” when you “Stray Off-Course” on Sage National Security Issues”.
Thank you Rick,
Earl Pitts “Sage International Expert” American
Gaetz What’s Coming To Him
March 15, 2024 at 9:11 am
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was subpoenaed Thursday to testify as part of a defamation lawsuit filed against a woman who accused him of having sex with her when she was a minor, ABC News reported, citing sources. Gaetz was reportedly subpoenaed by attorneys representing his unnamed accuser, who has been sued for defamation by a friend of the Florida representative. Gaetz’ deposition is reportedly scheduled to take place on April 5. The lawsuit is part of a sprawling defamation and racketeering lawsuit that was filed by Chris Dorworth, a former Florida House member and lobbyist. The lawsuit is against Gaetz’ accuser and others, with a spokesperson for the congressman confirming to ABC News that he “is not being sued, and he is neither a plaintiff nor a defendant in this matter.” The woman involved in the lawsuit was identified only as “AB,” and is reportedly now in her 20s. Gaetz was embroiled in controversy in 2021 when he was accused of having sex with a minor, but the Department of Justice announced last year it would not bring charges against him. He’s repeatedly denied all allegations levied against him.
March 15, 2024 at 9:51 am
Our next Governor …
Dont Say FLA
March 15, 2024 at 10:01 am
Epstein filed a lawsuit posthumously? Weird
rick whitaker
March 15, 2024 at 2:23 pm
gaetz what’s coming to him, don’t molesters and perverts ALWAYS claim innocence?
March 14, 2024 at 7:41 pm
So, the exception for Nicaraguan asylum seekers will continue to permit them to enter the US without resistance?
March 14, 2024 at 7:55 pm
the Ortega-Murillo regime has repressed all dissent by way of jailing, murdering and even exiling many political prisoner opposition leaders to the United States,” the letter continues. —the way the letter is written struck me as absurd, listing “exile to the United States” as the worst fate of all. The US does not have moral authority to meddle in Nicaraguan affairs beyond offering support to victims, securing borders, multilateral regional diplomacy, and protecting US citizens. The US has a long disastrous history in meddling in affairs in Nicaragua. Economic sanctions are already in place and easily gotten around. The very elite G0P donors are ones who benefit from easy money laundering and tax evasion facilitated through N, and they have no interest in their assets getting frozen or business being disrupted by enforced sanctions.
March 15, 2024 at 9:52 am
March 15, 2024 at 8:54 am
“Don’t Contra for me, Nicaragua…the truth is we never left ya…”
It’s Complicated
March 17, 2024 at 11:33 am
NGOs typically meet needs not met by the existing infrastructure, so what’s in it for the Ortega to shut down 3500 NGOs? What’s next after he shuts down the existing civil society? A utopian communist state?
I know why communists seek to shut down religion, because in their view no god but the state is allowable.
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