Wine lovers in Florida will soon be able to buy bottles larger than a gallon, after Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation expanding the size of bottles available for retail sale.
The measure (HB 583) allows retail sales of wine bottles of 4.5 liters, 6 liters, 9 liters, 12 liters or 15 liters. Current law restricts sales to 1 gallon (about 3.8 liters) or in reusable containers holding 5.16 gallons. The changes take effect July 1.
“Prior to signing this bill a bottle like this was not able to be sold in a store like this in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said at a bill signing ceremony at Wine Watch, a wine retailer in Fort Lauderdale, as he held up a sample 15 liter bottle.
DeSantis noted consumers can currently order such bottles online anyway, so “there was really no public policy reason why we should have this regulation.”
Rep. Chip LaMarca, a Lighthouse Point Republican, sponsored the bill. It received just one “no” vote on its way to passage, from Rep. Clay Yarborough, a Jacksonville Republican. The bill, though, had been filed in the Legislature the last five years before making the breakthrough during the Regular Session.
LaMarca Thursday highlighted the benefit he believes the new law will have on retailers and the economy, as well as the Italian heritage of the store’s owner, himself and DeSantis.
“This is an Italian-American-owned business and an Italian-American Governor and an Italian-American state Representative,” LaMarca said. “So wine is a big part of our culture, whether it’s the Italian side or the American side.”
Andrew Lampasone is the owner of Wine Watch, and said the bill will bring Florida into line with other states that already allow the sale of larger bottles, making the state more competitive.
“This is a huge economic impact,” Lampasone said. “Thank you for bringing us up to where we needed to be with the big boys, California and New York.”
March 28, 2024 at 11:20 am
Thank you, Governor, no action on the Insurance and Condo market collapse, perhaps more wine will help us feel better?
Marvin M.
March 28, 2024 at 5:46 pm
I always thought it was weird, why could I buy a huge jug of Gallo in California at a discount price, but could not here in South Florida. Now I know, although I probably should have figured it out.
And while it’s a sensible thing that DeSantis is doing this, I don’t necessarily blame his predecessors for not doing it earlier. Kinda had to have the legislature vote the bill forward. Florida has been dominated by Republicans since about the turn of the century and sure as shit we’ve had more important issues than size of wine bottles.
But at least DeSantis has done this!
Now Ron, try lowering home insurance prices. Heck, try lowering home prices. You are the one wondering why the heck are there so many people living rough on the streets, pretty certain at one time they had homes or could afford rent. Why don’t you try to understand why people become homeless and maybe deal with that before signing a “sweeping homeless under the rug” law funded not by the state, but by the counties and municipalities?
Bill Pollard
March 28, 2024 at 6:36 pm
Don’t drop it or you will have lost a major outlay of money.
Dont Say FLA
March 28, 2024 at 8:51 pm
At some point you go for the “box” of wine which, like cereal, is a bag that’s sold insifeva box for white women
Bottom Feeder
March 30, 2024 at 2:02 pm
Why does anyone care about this state rep? He is a tick always sucking the blood of anyone and everyone around him in some sad attempt to look important and special. He did not even graduate college and is one of the most obnoxious people I have ever met. A former “generator salesman” turned state rep?! Always looking for a photo op…he’s awful and the Republican Party needs to oust him ASAP.
Ron Forrest Ron
March 30, 2024 at 4:52 pm
I sure do wish “there’s really no public policy reason why we should have this regulation” wasn’t normally followed by FLg0P’s enacting their culture war nonsense regulations.
March 30, 2024 at 5:38 pm
Instead of making a new law to override the old law why didn’t he just repeal the old law?
Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)
April 1, 2024 at 11:33 am
They could sell it in trash bags, for all I care. For that matter, what business is it of the State to babysit the size of wine bottles?
rick whitaker
April 1, 2024 at 1:56 pm
larry the gop never misses ANY trick to make money. for every one of their freedom robbing laws, they make money on it. the public and the taxpayers are not profit machines for people that already have too much money. vote dem and we will help regulate these profiteers posing as public servants. and no, both parties are not the same. i guess if someone wanted to believe that as much as you seems to, then you can make it true in your head to feel like you know something that no one else knows. that’s weak dude.
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