Florida’s Governor is again lamenting the federal government, this time for not allowing anglers ample time to harvest red snapper from the Atlantic Ocean, and he proposes the state handle management like it is in the Gulf of Mexico.
Last year Florida had the “largest Gulf Red Snapper season since the state undertook management,” Ron DeSantis said Tuesday in Tampa.
He estimated that season was “80 some days” long compared to just “two days” in the Atlantic for recreational fishers. (Florida’s season, in fact, was 87 days in 2023.)
“And it’s because they have bad data,” DeSantis said, previewing an announcement about Florida’s 2024 season later Tuesday in Destin.
“So I knew this because I would talk to the fishermen and they said there’s a lot of fish in the sea. We see them, the feds say they’re not here,” DeSantis said. “They’re here, we see them, they’re everywhere. And so I told my guys, I was like, we cannot be doing this nonsense.”
“So I was like, figure out what actually is there and I want to open this up because there are a lot of red snapper available.”
DeSantis would “love to take over the management of the Atlantic Red Snapper and not have the federal government do this paltry two day like they’ve done.”
“I mean, that’s just not acceptable. So, stay tuned on that. We’re going to work really, really hard,” he promised.
Dont Say FLA
April 30, 2024 at 12:40 pm
Shouldn’t Rhonda be whining at Oklahoma Governor Stitts? (Any relation, pops?)
And Rhonda, when folks tell you “there’s a lot of fish in the sea,” that’s because they assume you finally found out whatever they heard Mrs Rhonda been up to behind your back. They are just trying to make you feel better about getting dumped.
Ron Forrest Ron
April 30, 2024 at 1:58 pm
The state legislature offered DeSantis an exemption from Florida’s sunshine laws so he could hide expenditures of taxpayer money for his private campaign.
Ron took the bait, the hook, the line, and the sinker.
And now the legislature has hooked on their line a fish named Rhonda.
Enjoy it while it lasts
April 30, 2024 at 2:27 pm
Luckily with the rate they’re going, there won’t be anything left for nature recreation activities. Fishing for algae blooms and setting water bodies on fire from all the chemicals will be the new Florida sports. There will be no hunting because there will be no nature. The aquifer will be destroyed so we will all be drinking our own poop water. Parking lots and poison are the new gqp for Florida. Exhibit: Florida DEP approved drilling in appalachicola, reported in sunburn. It’s not even a Florida company, ya’ll. They destroy the largest water supply in Florida and take the profits home to Louisiana. Your governor at work.
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