Joe Biden and allied Republicans are trying to rally GOP women in swing-state suburbs away from Donald Trump
Image via AP.

Terry Sykes
'I feel like I have to vote for the policies, not the person.'

Thirty miles north of Philadelphia, upscale subdivisions such as Colonial Commons interrupt dairy farms, centuries-old roadside stone houses and the winding Neshaminy Creek that flows between Doylestown and Newtown. Both cities were once rural outposts that have morphed into fashionable commercial, dining and shopping hubs.

This is one of the most closely watched areas in U.S. politics. President Joe Biden ran up his numbers in Bucks County, which includes both cities, on the way to flipping Pennsylvania from Republican Donald Trump four years ago, and won among suburban women in the state by a substantial margin.

Biden and his allies are trying to replicate Democrats’ success with suburban women this year and signaling they can win a small number of Republican women who may be opposed to a second Trump presidency. But in dozens of interviews this month in Pennsylvania’s Bucks County, there was little evidence that traditional Republicans were ready to abandon Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, in significant numbers.

“I feel like I have to vote for the policies, not the person,” said Lynn Natale, a 62-year-old interior designer. While Natale criticized Trump’s rhetorical style — “It’s like he doesn’t have the words to speak directly to women” — she said she supported Trump’s ideas on the economy and immigration.

“The alternative is unacceptable,” she said.

About a dozen volunteers gathered in Biden’s Bucks County campaign office on a recent sunny Saturday afternoon. The group fanned out across politically mixed neighborhoods around Doylestown, knocking on doors of registered Republican voters as well as those unaffiliated with either major party to ask them about issues that concerned them most.

In addition to the Biden campaign’s outreach in politically mixed and Republican-voting neighborhoods of Bucks County, conservative groups such as Women4Us and Republican Voters Against Trump are mobilizing in suburban Philadelphia with hopes of peeling off GOP voters.

Stephanie Sharp, with Women4Us, pointed to former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley receiving 22% of the vote in the four-county suburban Philadelphia bloc in the April Republican Presidential Primary. That translated to 42,032 votes won by Haley six weeks after she suspended her campaign, in what was an apparent protest vote against Trump.

“Pennsylvania’s closed Republican Primary demonstrated an appetite for something better,” said Sharp, whose group is planning outreach to Republican women in the most competitive presidential campaign states, including Pennsylvania.

“Republican women have had enough of our votes being taken for granted,” Sharp added.

Trump’s team is confident inflation and illegal immigration will drive some suburban women toward the former president, who is holding a rally Saturday in Philadelphia.

“President Trump is speaking to women when he discusses the sky-high cost of rent, groceries and gas in Biden’s America,” Trump’s national press secretary Karoline Leavitt said. “President Trump is speaking to women when he talks about the migrant crime that has ravaged suburban communities.”

About 6 in 10 suburban women in Pennsylvania voted for Biden in 2020, according to AP VoteCast, an expansive survey of voters nationwide, while 4 in 10 voted for Trump. But this year, many suburban women aren’t happy to be faced with the same matchup, a trend that’s true of Americans at large, according to public polling.

A recent survey of women voters by KFF found that about 6 in 10 suburban women are unsatisfied with their options for president. About half of those who identify as Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party said the main reason they’re not satisfied with Biden was related to his age or his mental and physical health.

Much smaller shares of Democratic-leaning suburban women pointed to other concerns, like the conflict between the Israelis and Hamas, the economy or his performance as president.

Suburban women voters were generally much likelier to say that Biden respects women, compared to Trump. About 7 in 10 suburban women voters said Biden respects women a lot or some, compared to only about 3 in 10 suburban women who said that about Trump. Nearly 7 in 10 suburban women said Trump doesn’t respect women much, or at all.

But when asked about the most important issue for their 2024 vote, suburban women were most likely to point to inflation.

Terry Sykes, the owner of the boutique and spa along Newtown’s quaint State Street, says the local economy matters most to her.

It thrived, she said, during Trump’s administration, “like turning on a light switch.”

“To be clear, all of Trump’s policy positions support how I live my life,” the 61-year-old Sykes said. “I mean, he is who he is. And women need to get over it. Because it’s all about the policy and the health of our economy.”

Anusha Bela, working from a laptop in a coffee shop in Doylestown’s bustling downtown, had been a more fervent Biden supporter early on, but became disappointed with what she viewed as his slow response to Israel’s violence in Gaza.

“And would I prefer someone younger? Yes. Would I prefer someone who seems to have newer ideas? Yes,” the 40-year-old sports business consultant in a Philadelphia Phillies cap said.

“But Trump is a danger to democracy,” she said.


Republished with permission of The Associated Press.

Associated Press


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    • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

      June 22, 2024 at 4:00 pm

      Good Afternoon Sage Patriot Fine Ladies of The Burbs,
      Relax your Fine Ladies of The Burbs Sphincters as these Dook 4 Brains Leftys in coohoots with those Homer Testicals in The Stinkin Lincoln Project will never be able to roll out anything of interest to You Fine Ladies.
      HOWEVER …..
      Go ahead and Play Them with your Fine Fine Lady Ways …. make them think you are interested in the Smelly Brown they are so desperatly peddeling. As my financial adviser Thurston has advised the Dems and the RINOs have squandered all their Hollywood money.
      Get those fools money my Fine Patriot Ladies of The Burbs.
      Yours Truley,
      Elvis Pitts American


      • Thurston Howell IV

        June 22, 2024 at 4:17 pm

        Exactly as we discussed in our Republican online meeting with President Trump last night Elvis.
        Thanks for breaking the news to The Oh So Fine Patriot Ladies of The Burbs that they should play the fools for their last Dollar. Lets drain these idiots dry and Bring It Home for TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE DONALDS AMERICAN WAY,


      • Mary cantalupo

        June 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm

        Your Wrong Dems win pin head!!


  • Speedy y SloPokè

    June 22, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Thanking you Thurston my Savant Genius Cousin, SloPoke, says we can use around 20 Percent of these Dooks and Rinos money our Fine Oh So Fine Republican Ladies of the Burbs drain off these Fools to finish the Border Wall.
    Speedy y SloPoke Gonzalez


  • Michael K

    June 22, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    A thrice-married man, who cheated on all three wives, who boasted of grabbing women by their private parts, and was found liable of sexual assault, and is on record of calling women names like “dog” and “horse-face” expects to do well by women? Let’s not forget his role in erasing women’s reproductive freedom.

    It’s astonishing to me that any woman would vote for a man with 34 felony convictions.


    • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

      June 22, 2024 at 7:56 pm

      Thank you Mickey K for Weighing In
      The main problem with your Lame Attempt to give props to the Dook 4 Brains Leftist view points is THIS ….. All you Dook 4 Brains Lefty Men suffer the curse of The Small Johnson Syndrom.
      Now a tiny Johnson is actually a benifit to you guys in the homer testical community as its only destination is some rando guys tater hole.
      The small Johnson is of no use to a Besutiful Lady who is expecting a Sage Cootche streching 0rgazzzzz.
      Again Mikey K thanks for Weighing In with The Dimumative Johnson, Dook 4 Brains Leftist, Point of view
      Elvis Pitts BULL OF THE WOODS JOHNSON American


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