Tampa Bay Bucs owner hosts Joe Biden fundraiser in wake of dubious debate showing
Joe Biden. Image via AP.

The President is back on the fundraising circuit Saturday.

 President Joe Biden is looking to recapture his mojo and reassure donors at a Saturday fundraiser that he is fully up to the challenge of beating Donald Trump.

The 81-year-old’s troubling performance at the first presidential debate Thursday rattled many Democrats, who see Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection as an existential threat to U.S. democracy. Biden’s meandering answers and struggles to respond to Trump prompted The New York Times editorial board to declare Friday that he should exit the race and that staying in would be a “reckless gamble.”

Biden and his wife, Jill, attended an afternoon campaign event in East Hampton, New York, the Long Island beach town where the real estate firm Zillow prices the median home at $1.9 million. Based on public records, the event that was closed to the news media was at the home of Avram Glazer, an owner of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers football team.

Scheduled later was an evening fundraiser in Red Bank, New Jersey.

In the aftermath of Thursday night’s debate, Biden flashed more vigor in speeches in North Carolina and New York on Friday, saying he believes with “all my heart and soul” that he can do the job of the presidency.

The Biden campaign said it has raised more than $27 million on Thursday and Friday, including $3 million at a New York City fundraiser focused on the LGBTQ+ community.

Republished with permission of the Associated Press.

Associated Press


  • Impeach Biden

    June 29, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    Biden is done. He will never finish his presidency if re-elected. Oh and by the way phuc the Bucs.🤣


    • Gabriel

      June 30, 2024 at 2:34 am

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      Begin here>>>>>>>>> Join.Payathome9.Com


  • Elvis Pitts "THE BIG VOICE ON THE RIGHT" American

    June 29, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    I, Elvis Pitts American, was going to fly my entourage down to Tampa to take in a Bucs game, drop some major green at Busch Gardens, then go out Big Pimpin & Spending The Cheese at 5 or 6 of Tampa’s Hottest Strip Clubs.
    But when I heard what this Dook 4 Brains Lefty owner of The Bucs did for worn out Slo Joe I, Elvis Pitts American, cancelled everything.
    Elvis Pitts American


  • My Take

    June 29, 2024 at 5:04 pm

    That would be fine.
    Work two or three more years on his plans, then resign and give it to Kamala to run as the incumbent in 2028.


    • FSU Frat Boy

      June 29, 2024 at 5:43 pm

      You need a drug test or cognitive test.


      • My Take

        June 30, 2024 at 2:38 am

        Frat boys generally need personality transpants.
        And some wit.


    • Ocean Joe

      June 29, 2024 at 7:30 pm

      Kamala is worthless. In fact the worst possible outcome of pushing Biden out is that Kamala might somehow get the nomination. Typical of the Democratic party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by sticking with a guy who may not even know he’s running. This is weekend at Bernie’s on steroids.
      This country is too important to the entire world to be turned over to a grifting scumbag but that is exactly what’s happening at the moment. Biden needs to go, and people like you who care need to say so.

      And FSU Frat boy needs to vote yes on Amendment 3.


      • FSU Frat Boy

        June 29, 2024 at 7:45 pm

        Very good comment Ocean and I will vote yes on 3. However I don’t want Fried benefiting from this.


  • Dorene

    June 30, 2024 at 1:34 am

    As a longtime Bucs fan ,I am surprised ,disappointed and sick to my stomach to hear this! I will always support the men on our team because they represent the city l love,but will never again buy one more ticket to a game!Never again will I put money in the pockets of such a blinded wasted human !Really hope they lose the right to own the Bucs! Pray people wise up and put the future of our country ahead of stupid party affiliation!Wise up and think hard!


  • Richard

    June 30, 2024 at 1:49 am

    I trust this old man, Joe to run this country better than the other old man,”felon”. The felon, is always about himself, is a liar and not to be trusted. Why should America allow this “CON MAN” to rule this country one more time? He undermined the very institution that make America, only for his own gain. He indicated that those who vote for him are “STUPID” when he said he could shoot someone dead at 5th avenue and they will still vote for him. You know what he is trying to infer here? That you are all STUPID and you will still vote for him. I will vote for the other old man but not this Stupid old man called Trump


    • My Take

      June 30, 2024 at 2:48 am

      Trump openly admits how he plans to degrade America.
      And his hjgh party supporters are worse.
      But the stupid still stand behind him.


      • Flash Light

        June 30, 2024 at 4:11 am

        It is called willful ignorance.


  • Mac

    June 30, 2024 at 8:21 am

    “Bidentime” Absolutely CAN NOT be re+elected, he is not respected by other governments, he is a empty shell, other government figures have openly stated as much. Looking in from the outside, on all accounts he appears to be nothing more than a puppet, doing what he is told… by who, GOD only knows. Re-electing “Bidentime” would tell the world how dysfunctional the United States really is.


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