Donald Trump will have one last chance Saturday to unveil his vice presidential pick on a rally stage before the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee next week.
Trump’s rally in western Pennsylvania, at the Butler Farm Show just outside Pittsburgh, comes as the former reality TV star and tabloid hound continues to tease his pick, working to drum up maximum attention and hype.
Trump has made clear in recent days that his preference is to dramatically reveal his pick live at the convention — something the ratings-obsessed former president has said would make the proceedings more “interesting” and “exciting.”
Other opportunities have come and gone.
At a rally Tuesday night at his Doral golf club, he at one point marveled at the number of reporters in attendance.
“I think they probably think I’m going to be announcing that Marco is going to be vice president,” he said of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a top contender, who was sitting in the front row.
Saturday’s venue, in a critical battleground state, sits about an hour from the border with Ohio, home to Sen. JD Vance, one of the presumptive nominee’s top contenders — which had sparked another round of speculation.
But none of the men who are considered Trump’s top contenders — Vance, Rubio and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum — are expected to attend the rally, according to two people familiar with the schedule who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the plans.
Each of the finalists has pluses and drawbacks.
Earlier this week, Trump was quizzed on some in a Fox News Radio interview.
Was Vance’s beard a strike against him, he was asked, following a report in The Bulwark that that was a concern?
“No, never heard that one,” the clean-shaven Trump said with a laugh. Vance “looks good. He looks like a young Abraham Lincoln.”
What about the highly restrictive limits that Burgum signed in law North Dakota banning nearly all abortions?
“Well, it’s a little bit of an issue. It’s a pretty strong ban,” said Trump. “You know, I think Doug is great, but … the state has. So it’s an issue. Everything’s an issue.”
And what about Rubio’s “Florida problem”? Would the fact that Rubio would likely have to move stop Trump from picking him?
“No, but it does make it more complicated,” he said. “There are people that don’t have that complication. Now it’s fairly easily fixed, but you have to do something with delegates or there has to be a resignation, you know, etc., etc. So it’s not like picking some people where it’s very easy, where there is none of that.”
Republished with permission of the Associated Press.
Not Woke
July 13, 2024 at 10:07 am
Meanwhile Joe still in bed. Banker’s hours 1000-1600 and Saturday and Sunday off. Karma
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Elvis Pitts "Ron DeSantis' Official "Unoffica Campaign Managerl" American
July 13, 2024 at 10:29 am
Good Mornting America,
While the above artical is an A. P. artical chock full of the usual “Dook 4 Brains Leftist Propaganda” the above artical is in one way a blessing in-that it affords me, Elvis Pitts American, the perfect segeway into a Sage Wisdom Drop on our Great Nation.
America, prepare for joyous rapture when Donald makes the much anticiaped proclamation that his VPOTUS Running Mate will be None Other than The Sage Ron DeSantis !!!!! Its going to allow everyone on The Entire Planet the Joyous feeling of finally being able, One And All, to Relax Our Political Sphincters.
America just allow the joy to flow as now, and going forward, we have saved the planet from the 3 & 1/2 Year “Dooking” piled on us by The Dook 4 Brains Leftys.
Elvis Pitts American
Elvis Pitts "Ron DeSantis' Official "Unoffical Campaign Manager" American
July 13, 2024 at 10:32 am
…. just made a title correction so now no Dook Karen Spell Checkers can harrass me,
July 13, 2024 at 10:37 am
Meanwhile Biden connects Trump’s 140 campaign advisors to Project 2025…… The Republican blueprint for America’s future that will never come to be:
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