Defense spending is coming to the Sunshine State if Donald Trump gets elected President.
The Republican presidential nominee reiterated Friday in West Palm Beach that he intended to build an “Iron Dome” type system domestically and that when it came to military spending, “a lot of it will be right here in Florida.”
“It’s going to be jobs and all that stuff,” Trump said at a Turning Point USA event, vowing that it would be “beyond” what Israel has because of the “incredible technology” now available.
Trump made the same pledge at the Republican National Convention, but didn’t explicitly make the case it was a potential cash cow and jobs program for Florida.
Marvin M.
July 26, 2024 at 9:34 pm
Why does anyone believe a word out of that guy’s mouth?
It’s all lies. Lie after lie after lie.
July 26, 2024 at 10:19 pm
Florida got the fourth highest amount of defense spending in 2023 — behind Texas, CA, and Virginia. These three states each get about twice as much as Florida.
July 26, 2024 at 10:51 pm
He’s going to have Mexico pay for a border wall and try imagining Trumps much better and much less expensive comprehensive health care! I can hardly wait! 🙄🙄🙄
Flash Light
July 27, 2024 at 3:29 am
More nonsense from the Ignorant One. Israel’s iron dome system is designed to repel SHORT-RANGE rockets and artillery fired from distances less than 100 miles. They have 10 mobile batteries (units) that cost approx 50 million each. Exactly which areas of the U.S. would be protected with such a system, and at what cost? Any substantial increases to our defense budget will mean huge deficit spending and/or major cuts to social programs.
Elvis [FKA Earl] Pitts American
July 27, 2024 at 6:31 am
Good Morn ‘Ting Dook 4 Brains Leftys above, Marvin, MH, Peter, and FleshLight, go ahead and get used to your petty whining & complaining.
Y’all are gonna need the practice to get your “DOOK BRAINS” prepared for the upcomimg 4 more years of Making America Great Again AGAIN !!!!
I am going the with educational “Mr. Nice Guy” route with you 4 Dooks rather than taking the next step of putting you 4 Dooks under a Painfull Chastizement.
July 27, 2024 at 2:08 pm
Well, if the Iron Dome can protect us from the Jewish space lasers I’m all for it? Maybe it can be a new Steve Bannon fundraising campaign, Help us Build the Dome!
July 28, 2024 at 6:54 pm
Why not put an Iron Dome around Mar a lago the next time Trump returns
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