The campaigns of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are arguing in advance of their high-stakes Sept. 10 debate over whether microphones should be muted except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak.
While it’s common for campaigns to quibble beforehand over debate mechanics, both Harris and Trump are under pressure to deliver a strong performance next month in Philadelphia. The first debate during this campaign led to President Joe Biden’s departure from the race.
Trump on Sunday night raised the possibility that he might not show up on ABC, posting on his Truth Social network that he had watched the network’s Sunday show with a “so-called Panel of Trump Haters” and posited, “why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?” and urging followers to “Stay tuned!!”
The current dispute centers on the muting of microphones when a candidate isn’t speaking, a condition both Biden and Trump accepted for their June debate hosted by CNN. Both sides are accusing the other of gaming the system to protect their candidate.
Biden’s campaign team made microphone muting a condition of its decision to accept any debates this year, and some aides now regret the decision, saying voters were shielded from hearing Trump’s outbursts during the debate. That move likely would not have helped the incumbent Democrat’s disastrous performance.
The Harris campaign now wants microphones to be live all the time, according to Harris spokesman Brian Fallon, who issued a statement needling Trump.
“Trump’s handlers prefer the muted microphone because they don’t think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own,” Fallon said. Harris “is ready to deal with Trump’s constant lies and interruptions in real time. Trump should stop hiding behind the mute button.”
Trump spokesman Jason Miller retorted that the Republican nominee had “accepted the ABC debate under the exact same terms as the CNN debate.” He alleged Harris’ representatives sought “a seated debate, with notes, and opening statements.”
Miller then took a shot at Harris not sitting for an interview or holding a news conference since Biden ended his reelection and endorsed her, arguing her campaign now wants “to give her a cheat sheet for the debate.”
The Harris campaign denied Miller’s claim that she wanted notes or to be seated during the debate.
“I’d rather have it probably on,” Trump said Monday during a stop in the Washington area, when asked if he wanted microphones muted. “I didn’t like it the last time, but it worked out fine,” he added, in terms of the policy during his debate with Biden.
“We agreed to the same rules — same rules, same specifications,” Trump noted, for his Sept. 10 debate with Harris. “And I think that’s probably what it should be.”
Asked how he was preparing for the debate, Trump responded, “I’m not. … I think my whole life I’ve been preparing for a debate.”
Complicating the negotiations this year is that debates are being orchestrated on an ad hoc basis by host networks, as opposed to the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, through which debate rules were negotiated privately.
Microphones have been unmuted for both candidates for most of televised presidential debate history. The debate commission announced that its October 2020 debate would have microphones muted when candidates were not recognized to speak after the first Biden-Trump contest descended into a shouting match. The second 2020 debate with the microphone muting rules was widely celebrated for being more substantive than the earlier matchup.
Republished with permission of The Associated Press.
Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)
August 26, 2024 at 2:56 pm
One of the participants can speak in whole paragraphs, and she should not be interrupted during the allotted time.
The other candidate can abuse his time at the mic as much as he wants and should really try to act “Presidential” during that time.
(We won’t be fooled either time, actually)
Dont Say FLA
August 26, 2024 at 3:51 pm
Turnip Truck is threatening to drop out the debate. Did he finally get tired of winning? LOL @ Weak Turnip Truck
If Turnip Truck would just threaten to drop out the Presidential race, I would back him 100% on that. Hand it over to Toadie Pants.
JD’s got a much better chance than tired, old, worn out Turnip Truck and his same old tired, worn out
August 26, 2024 at 4:55 pm
Trump roars like a lion, but he only a little pussy cat whining.
Michael K
August 27, 2024 at 12:11 am
Trump has found a cash cow in campaign contributions from the rubes who give him money. Your donation to Trump goes in his pocket – ever the con man. It amazes me that any middle class person would think that Trump cares one bit about ordinary people. They are basement dwellers to him.
He’s a terrible debater and will likely walk away because he is a weak, amoral person who can only lie, bully and bluster.
Day 36
August 27, 2024 at 6:11 am
If Kammy is so skilled then why is she in hiding like Joe was? She knows it. Her staff knows it. Pretty much everyone knows it. She’s a dumb azz that has gotten by for years and years on looks and a bubbly personality. It’s “word salad” Kammy without her teleprompter. Oh and if there is a debate stand by for “I’m speaking, Im speaking” from Kammy. Simply the most unpopular candidate in 2020 that has been elevated this time around by the liberal press.
August 27, 2024 at 6:54 am
You’ve watched Trump speeches right? They’re like watching a methed out Dr. Suess trying make up a rhyme.
And it’s only Right-Wing-Media saying “she’s hiding from the press”. Damn, the more and more talking points you repeat from there, the more it points to you being a paid shill repeating their drivel. Or are you a zombie in a cult? Remember what happened to Hale Bop and Jonestown.
Obviously her team knows what they are doing, and if it aggravates the paid shills, it is a bonus because it’s obviously not hurting her polls.
Day 35
August 27, 2024 at 7:40 am
Kammy wants to change the agreement.
1. Kammy wants to sit
2. Kammy wants hot mics
3. Kammy wants to bring notes
So Kammy has been prepping day after day and her handlers are seeing that she can’t think on her feet. It’s “word salad” Kammy without her tele. It’s funny how you Demo’s have changed the press conferences since Joe had been President. We now have prearranged questions and prearranged journalists. Cue cards, cheat sheets now rule the day. Imagine the outrage from CNN, MSNBC and the major networks if a Repub was doing this.
August 27, 2024 at 9:39 am
Kettle black when FoxNews is built exactly like you’re griping about. When they change their MO for the Republicans, we can talk.
PS. I am an “never vote for the current RINO Republican Party again” Conservative Independent. What are you?
rick whitaker
August 27, 2024 at 2:48 pm
DAY 35, who the hell is kammy? are you incapable of acting like an adult? you put that obligatory whataboutism on the end of your post. how predictable. dude, you’re a clown.
Ocean Joe
August 27, 2024 at 7:38 am
Trump is hard to debate because he just makes things up as he goes. But national debates are valuable as the most recent one proved.
Kamala is not the greatest debater out there, but I hope she can take credit for the poorly named Inflation Reduction Act which is chock full of provisions to re-shore American manufacturing jobs, to move us towards net-zero carbon emissions, to modernize America’s workforce and do much of what Trump always claims he will do but never did. He does get credit for reworking Nafta a bit, and for the covid vaccine, despite encouraging the antivaxxer movement. A more selfish man has never led us, nor should ever lead us during a health crisis.
The Infrastructure Act and the Chips Act also deserve bragging about. Most of this was accomplished over Republican opposition, as was the creation of social security. If she wins, hopefully she wont be saddled with a dysfunctional GOP congress. Never thought I would want the old GOP back, but these folks are nuts.
Ocean Joe
August 27, 2024 at 7:39 am
Trump is hard to debate because he just makes things up as he goes. But national debates are valuable as the most recent one proved.
Kamala is not the greatest debater out there, but I hope she can take credit for the poorly named Inflation Reduction Act which is chock full of provisions to re-shore American manufacturing jobs, to move us towards net-zero carbon emissions, to modernize America’s workforce and do much of what Trump always claims he will do but never did. He does get credit for reworking Nafta a bit, and for the covid vaccine, despite encouraging the antivaxxer movement. A more selfish man has never led us, nor should ever lead us during a health crisis.
The Infrastructure Act and the Chips Act also deserve bragging about. Most of this was accomplished over Republican opposition. If she wins, hopefully she wont be saddled with a dysfunctional GOP congress. Never thought I would want the old GOP back, but these folks are nuts.
August 27, 2024 at 9:13 am
Senior Trump No tiene testículos! The idea that a woman can beat him has shriveled him to the point size won’t matter. I am woman, hear me roar! No mics needed..
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