New ‘Anti-Psychopath’ PAC spot says Donald Trump’s friends — like Marco Rubio — think he’s ‘crazy’

Trump Rubio anti-psychopath
Trump's allies, turned foes and then allies again, are shown as floating heads questioning the former President's mental acuity.

Is Donald Trump sane?

That’s the question litigated by George Conway’s evocatively named Anti-Psychopath PAC in a new 60-second spot airing in select markets.

The video, reminiscent of Lincoln Project spots, starts off with a long shot of Trump in an opulent room, then shows people like U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida, former House Speaker Paul Ryan, former National Security Adviser John Bolton, former Attorney General William Barr, and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu casting aspersions on the former President’s mental state. Each Trump detractor in the ad is shown as a floating head, speaking above the former President’s head.

“By using the voices of Trump’s current and former allies, the ad shows that even his people know he’s unfit for the White House,” the PAC asserts.

Rubio, who was considered to be Trump’s running mate earlier this year, is shown in the ad as a floating head warning in past remarks against “turning over the nuclear codes of the United States to an erratic individual.”

The end of the ad shows the PAC’s URL, which leads to a homepage asserting that voters “have forgotten one important fact: Trump is f**king nuts.”

The ad will run on cable and digital for the next week in Bedminster, NJ, and Palm Beach, FL, around Trump’s homes, and in the swing states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. It will also run in Columbia, SC, Tallahassee, FL, and Austin, TX, targeting Lindsey Graham, Rubio, and Cruz, all featured in the video, according to an announcement about the ad.

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has been the Northeast Florida correspondent for Florida Politics since 2014. His work also can be seen in the Washington Post, the New York Post, the Washington Times, and National Review, among other publications. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • Michael

    September 4, 2024 at 9:38 am

    Sounds like a fun one to buy some airtime on Fox News Channel. The Murdochs have already shown they are not turning down ad money from the Dem PACS.

    • A Day without MAGA

      September 4, 2024 at 10:09 am

      Murdoch are on the the hook for billion of dollars,for Trump election lies,even after settling another for almost a billion,this would not want them to have anything to do with TRUMP, Google Mary Trump,I Created A Monster

      • Yrral

        September 4, 2024 at 10:30 pm

        I wonder who is crazy, Trump or the people that supported Trump,maybe all of Maga is clinical insane ,but I.hope the judge give Trump a psychological evaluation his hearing or someone in Palm Beach would seek a mental health warrant for Trump in Palm Beach County Google Trump Palm Beach County Mental Health Warrant

  • Victoria Olson

    September 4, 2024 at 11:08 am

    I have never understood why the majority of Republicans who never liked him, spoke about what an idiot Trump is yet all voted for his wishes & followed his orders in lockstep? Grow a set of balls gentleman……women have spoken their minds….I suggest you do the same or your all puppets of Trumps evil.

    • Alexa is Biased

      September 4, 2024 at 1:27 pm

      You could say the same about Ka Mana. She is an idiot. So unpopular four years ago, she was the first to exit the primary’s. Many suggested that Slo Joe replace her when all of you claimed Joe was just fine and could run the country for four more years. Absolutely laughable and the fix / coverup going on right now is reminiscent of the “Basement Joe” plan.

      • JD

        September 4, 2024 at 2:44 pm

        You keep bringing her up because she lives rent free in your head. Why? You know she’s going to stomp Trump (ooh boy that debate is going to fry him – his handlers don’t want hot mics because he’s a retard).

        And really is that all you got? Exited the primary first?

        How about Trump doing nothing during a pandemic and pushing most decisions on the state governors? I sure as hell remember that.

        And I sure the f@ck don’t want him in there if we went to war, CIC “BoneSpurs-setup-the-failure-in-Afganastan”.

        • Michael K

          September 4, 2024 at 2:50 pm

          Ms. Harris went on to become the Vice President of the United States of America. I’d like anyone to show me an example of any Vice President in American history who completely re-invigorated and re-defined a political party, its candidates, and its convention, in less than two months. AND leading in the polls.

          That’s extraordinary talent, skill, and leadership. That’s why people are energized and excited, and why Republicans are scared.

        • Alexa is Biased

          September 4, 2024 at 3:17 pm

          Yet you were fine with the other draft dodger that is currently the CIC. Interesting that you don’t mention that fact and talk about an epic failure on the actual withdrawal operation. It was the Fallf Saigon 2. An utter embarrassment and Kammy was the last one in the room with the draft dodger /CIC.

          • Alexa is Biased

            September 4, 2024 at 3:18 pm

            Afghanistan debacle. There was Joe really too busy to be bothered as he received those 13 service members. Constantly checking his watch.

          • JD

            September 4, 2024 at 4:19 pm

            Ah, the “draft dodger” take—classic. Biden’s deferments are on record, no mystery there. Meanwhile, Trump’s “bone spurs” deferment has been questioned for years, with a doctor’s family saying it was a favor for Trump’s dad. So if we’re talking dodging, Trump’s the king. And on the Afghanistan withdrawal? Trump set the date, Biden had to clean it up. But sure, keep pretending history’s different.

          • rick whitaker

            September 4, 2024 at 5:06 pm

            MAGA MARK, keep talking that maga trash and we’ll see you after 11- 05-2024

          • Yrral

            September 4, 2024 at 9:30 pm

            Republicans are insane in the membrane,insane in the brain, crazy loco,got no brains, insane in the membrane, insane in the brain

  • Michael roberts

    September 4, 2024 at 11:30 am

    No sane person could say the things don has.No sane person can listen to trump and think what he says is good in any way

  • Michael K

    September 4, 2024 at 12:32 pm

    Straight from the mouths of Republicans. Shame on the ones who now blindly put the convicted felon (and their self-interest) before the country – Cruz, Graham, and Little Marco Rubio.

    Trump always was, always has been, and still is, unfit to serve.

    • Alexa is Biased

      September 4, 2024 at 1:31 pm

      Yet you and others on this site, the media, the DNC, even #2 Kammy told us Joe was fit to serve for another term until the coverup was exposed. Funny how you don’t bother to mention that fact.

      • My Take

        September 4, 2024 at 1:54 pm

        Forgetful ain’t crazy.

      • JD

        September 4, 2024 at 4:23 pm

        Biden was, and is, fit to serve—and if there were any doubts, Kamala Harris is right there as VP, fully capable of stepping in. No “coverup” needed. Throwing vague accusations around doesn’t change the fact that both of them are more than equipped to do the job. If you’ve got real facts, bring them. Otherwise, it’s just more noise.

        • Alexa is Biased

          September 4, 2024 at 4:49 pm

          Biden is and was fit to serve. You lost me right there. If you watched the debate back in Jun then you saw for yourself. No way he could meet with world leaders for hours on end. Did you see him when he got out of the car at Normandy? Dude was lost. How about the G7 meeting in France when he wandered away? How about all of the times when he was confused which way to exit the stage? Then there are the completely staged press conferences with prearranged questions, activist reporters to call on and such. Enough facts?

          • rick whitaker

            September 4, 2024 at 4:53 pm

            MAGA MARK, what’s your point, you’re rambling like an orange turd.

          • JD

            September 4, 2024 at 5:37 pm

            Ah yes, the greatest hits of Biden “gotcha” moments. Let’s be real, no leader has a spotless reel of public appearances. If tripping on a stage exit is your measure of fitness, then I’m guessing you skipped over the actual work he’s been doing. Biden has handled tough foreign policy challenges, including rallying NATO against Russia and brokering international deals. World leaders respect him, but hey, if wandering at the G7 is your big evidence, you might need a stronger case. Staged press conferences? Welcome to politics, that’s not unique to him. Try harder with those “facts.”

        • Alexa is Biased

          September 4, 2024 at 5:09 pm

          Well Rick if you had any reading comprehension at all you would see that JD wanted facts. I gave them to him. Comprende my Tennessee slumlord?

          • rick whitaker

            September 4, 2024 at 5:24 pm

            MAGA MARK, it’s been long established that you do not know a fact from a lie when it comes to maga issues. don’t bore me with childish comments about my reading comprehension. you are the fool, not me. you keep getting that fact reversed for a FOOLISH reason. how foolish of you, you fool.

          • Alexa is Biased

            September 4, 2024 at 5:30 pm

            Several sentences of saying nothing. You could rival Kammy for word salad 😜

          • Alexa is Biased

            September 4, 2024 at 5:39 pm

            Long established? Huh? You are a
            crazy old senile fool.

          • rick whitaker

            September 4, 2024 at 5:42 pm

            MAGA MARK, with all your kamala harris negative comments, it PROVES you are a woman hater. shame on you punk. i love women and i resent morons like you. keep your hate off woman you fool.

          • Alexa is Biased

            September 4, 2024 at 5:46 pm

            I will criticize Kammynjust
            Like all of you criticize Trump. It goes both ways. You and others only want a one way conversation. Sorrry, roughly half of the country doesn’t support or like Kammy. Just like half of the country doesn’t like Trump. Basic math and a fact you old fool

      • rick whitaker

        September 4, 2024 at 5:47 pm

        MAGA MARK, a slow joe is better than an orange turd.

        • rick whitaker

          September 4, 2024 at 5:53 pm

          MAGA MARK as most decent people know, criticizing someone for truths is one thing, but criticizing someone based on lies, misconceptions, and childish bullying tendencies, is not decent. you lack decency.


    September 4, 2024 at 8:19 pm

    Good evening Sage Patriots,
    This story and the responses from the “DOOK 4 BRAINS LEFTY COMMENTERS ABOVE” is proof the leftys know they will loose badly.
    I would hate to be a Dook 4 Brains Lefty.
    All us Sage Patriots are laughing at the Silly Dooks while we Relax our Political Sphincters.
    Thank you Sage Patriots,

    • rick whitaker

      September 4, 2024 at 9:47 pm


      • ELVIS

        September 5, 2024 at 7:26 pm

        Thanks for your “UN-WAVERING” love and devotion, Rick, to me, ELVIS.
        I would just like to thank myself for keeping everyone up to date by dropping my “Sage Golden Nuggetts” of “Superior Political Wisdom” on a “Thirsty for Sage Political Knowledge”.
        ELVIS [FKA EARL]

  • MH/Duuuval

    September 4, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    Most folks got tired of rehearsing Trump’s sexual and some times criminal sexual acts because Trump is not ashamed and the court system is taking him to task financially.

    Other folks continue to slander KH because of a long-term relationship with a powerful Black man in CA. These folks want to persuade us that KH and her partner had sex — and perhaps not always in the missionary position. But, how would the RT aficionados actually know anything about what went on behind closed doors?

    Wishful thinking, or perhaps envy?

  • Crashing your party's

    September 4, 2024 at 9:44 pm

    Codes. Like any tom dick or harry can now be elected and call for the extermination of cultures that are not their own. Really all it’s about is trump. Well this is a sign of the times

  • Ocean Joe

    September 5, 2024 at 5:18 am

    Thankyou Moonface for the ad. Yes, everybody gets a nickname, just like junior high school if Trump’s involved.

    I read a lot of “Joe Biden’s not fit either” stuff here as a reason it’s OK to vote for Trump whose insane and dangerous. Let me remind all that the Republicans idolized Ronald Reagan (still do) long after he clearly had Alzheimer’s which would end his life shortly after his term was over. Two wrongs dont make a right, he had a very qualified VP in George Herbert Hoover Walker Bush waiting in the wings. Kamala is no Rhodes scholar, but she’s certainly capable of stepping up.

    We are confronted with the Joe McCarthy of our time. For the sake of the country, the GOP and the entire planet, he needs to go. Now he’s admitted losing the 2020 election at least twice that I’ve seen on mass media despite tearing us apart with his lies. When they said he’s a malignant narcissist at the start it wasnt clear what kind of damage that would lead to. It’s clear now.

    The guy is a savage. Nothing matters to him but him. He belongs in a cage.

    • Ocean Joe

      September 5, 2024 at 5:31 am

      PS: Admissions by Trump: at the border on Fox, Aug 22 or 23, and again on 9/4 in an interview. He likes to say he got millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, then concedes ‘we came up a little bit short.’ He’s always known he lost but put us through Jan 6 for his own vanity. Cost Fox $786 Million, ran Rudy into bankruptcy trying to implement his schemes, everybody and everything is dispensable. They deserve it for perpetuating and echoing his lies.

      Kamala Harris does not have the intellect of a Cory Booker or Pocahantas, but like Joe Biden, she’s not Donald Trump. She will make a good president. She is not perfect, but maybe we can laugh again instead of all the ranting. We’re ready, Impeach, are you?

      • Alexa is Biased

        September 5, 2024 at 8:22 am

        I’ll be fine Ocean and will certainly move on. Pocahontas and intellect? That’s a reach there Ocean🤣

        • MH/Duuuval

          September 5, 2024 at 11:42 pm

          The Senator from Mass. is brighter and more knowledgable of government than any MAGA that has thus far emerged from the slime, including the numerous bantamweight Ivy Leaguers.

    • Jojo

      September 7, 2024 at 7:36 am

      Indeed… I heard a psychologist describe the characteristics of a malignant narcissist and it fits Trump to a tee

  • Dont Say FLA

    September 6, 2024 at 9:30 am

    All the GOPs turned MAGAs who mindlessly follow the Turnip J Truck no matter what cliff it drives off do so because the orange Trust Fund Baby got the goods on them. He has the video of them with the 17 year old girl / ladyboy / succubus / sheep / whatever he sent to their hotel bar and subsequently up to their hotel room

  • Sundance

    September 6, 2024 at 6:29 pm

    Talking and writing omens
    The conjuring
    And other spooks.
    All in selective prophecy by meddling govs

  • Sundance

    September 6, 2024 at 7:37 pm

    Are you under or over. Let’s talk slow global warming and trying to construct in that. If the winds won’t get you the debris will

  • Jojo

    September 7, 2024 at 7:30 am

    I honestly don’t understand how folks like Alexa can listen to Trump and hear something I don’t.
    With the teleprompter he delivers in a singsong bored voice.
    Without the teleprompter the invective, the non sequiturs,
    The Hannibal lechters, the bacon, the sharks, the wind, the kidnapping transgender changing teachers, the weave…I could go on and on.

    • rick whitaker

      September 7, 2024 at 8:52 pm

      JOJO, trolls like alexa ( maga mark ) are low information people that have an inordinate amount of misplaced grievance and fear. that makes them impervious to all logic and reason when it comes to their ability to discern truth from lies.

Comments are closed.


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