Even a legislative supermajority that is aided and abetted by Democrats on many key issues is a fragile thing.
That’s the proposition posited by First Lady Casey DeSantis, who is fretting that the passage of the Adult Personal Use of Marijuana and the Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion could bring political undesirables into the “Free State of Florida” if they pass, allowing Democrats to “regain ground” after losing the registration advantage to Republicans in recent years.
“There are over a million more registered Republicans than Democrats. And so when they use this constitutional system to bypass the legislature where (Republicans) have supermajorities, they’re trying to pass an agenda,” DeSantis said on Monday’s edition of the “Dana Show.”
DeSantis then focused her attention on the recreational pot amendment.
“When you look at something like Amendment 3, which again is funded by one megaweed corporation, you look at what this would mean and some of the folks that it would import into the state of Florida,” the First Lady fretted.
“There are no current amendments or recreational laws on the books in the Southeast, so people would be coming here and they might not be sympathetic to parental rights in education, and that might not be where, you know, their heart lies as far as where they vote. And so if you’re importing some of this, how does that change the state of Florida going forward?”
Both Amendment 3 and Amendment 4 require 60% support in order to pass on Tuesday.
Ron Ogden
November 4, 2024 at 1:45 pm
I see she has anonymously participated in an anti-pot commercial. Good for her! Hmmm. A candidacy in the making? She would make a real difference on the campaign trail and quickly take over the role of female leader in the coming Republican gubernatorial primary. She would command a lot of support from early days on.
November 4, 2024 at 9:06 pm
Yep, and having Richard Corcoran in her corner should help. NOT.
The Blue Wave makes landfall Tuesday!
November 4, 2024 at 11:28 pm
Get ready, the blue wave makes landfall tomorrow! Don’t get crushed
Rita Joseph
November 4, 2024 at 2:04 pm
Florida must hp;d to the principle that unborn children need protection from deliberate harm. .In the United States today.there are two world views representing two conflicting valuations of children in their mothers’ womb. They are logically and legally irreconcilable: they can’t both be right. This is why we can’t allow for the continuation in some states of “legal” killing of children chosen to be aborted, while other states honor laws protecting all children, “wanted” or “unwanted,” from such arbitrary killing.
In any truly “united” states of America, such radical and irrational disunity over legal protection for the “unwanted” is indefensible. Under the rule of law set out in the Constitution, the same equal and unalienable right to life must be secured for “our Posterity” as we claim for “ourselves.”
Contrarily, in the brash new utilitarian world of abortion rights, unborn children are disparaged as only generic fetuses; their worth and dignity is subjectively assigned or dismissed as a private matter, a choice. The majority Supreme Court justices at the time, like Pontius Pilate nearly 2000 years before, washed their hands of the rule of law and gave the noisiest sector of the people what they wanted.
But in the more altruistic and civilized world of natural law principles recognized by the Founders at the nation’s beginning in the American Declaration of Independence, unborn children are accorded, under the rule of law, the same inherent and unalienable dignity and an equal worthiness of rights protection as every other human being.
A Day without Hypocrite
November 4, 2024 at 2:22 pm
Hope your children are not whack.like you,it would be child abuse
Frankie M.
November 4, 2024 at 4:54 pm
She wants people to come to Florida as long as they’re the “right type of people”…. 🤔
November 4, 2024 at 9:09 pm
The Founders’ view of natural law delineated classes of worthy citizens who could vote — propertied white males — and excluded women, African Americans, and the Indigenous.
Yes On 3
November 4, 2024 at 2:05 pm
Vote Yes on 3 Florida, this is not a red or blue issue this is a GREEN issue about FREEDOM. Communists historically have favored prohibition, let’s not let Florida go that direction – if we are going to really be the FREE STATE of Florida let’s stop arresting people for a plant. This will create tens of thousands of new jobs and bring in hundreds of millions in tax revenue to further strengthen the economy of Florida. Make sure you get out and VOTE #YESON3 no matter which party you favor. Kamala and Trump both are in support of Legalization. #LegalizeIt
November 4, 2024 at 2:11 pm
South Carolina
West Virginia
North Dakota
South Dakota
Is this the direction for Florida too? Which of the above States do YOU hold as a model for fiscal repetition?
Frankie M.
November 4, 2024 at 2:12 pm
Why wouldn’t a woman’s right to choose also extend to education & weed? I thought people like Casey would be in favor of less governmental regulation not more? I guess whatever can keep her in the news cycle. So much for the party of personal responsibility.
A Day without MAGA
November 4, 2024 at 2:20 pm
A special place in hell for just being married to Ron Desantis
Cheesy Floridian
November 4, 2024 at 3:13 pm
The GOP used to be the party of limited gov/small gov. But they have changed into the party of more gov. Less freedom. Look up the definition of freedom and amendment 3 and 4 support freedom. It supports choice. Things DeSantis doesn’t want is to have.
November 4, 2024 at 3:14 pm
She may be right. But I’m not sure she has considered the reaction of Florida’s voters when they realize that in a high turnout election, a strong majority vote in favor of these amendments will not be enough to overcome the work of a gerrymandered legislature. However, there is probably not much for her to worry about unless the Democrats find some competent leadership to bring a fight to the one-party state.
P.S. — there is a Florida Constitutional right for children to get a free, high-quality education in this state (honored in the breach, not the observance), but no similar constitutional provision dealing with fictitious “parental rights” to make all kids stupid.
November 4, 2024 at 3:43 pm
Typical DeSantis worries, POLITICS, not the highest insurance in the Country, not the crashing Condo market, not affordable housing, not homeless hurricane victims, ONLY POLITICS!
November 5, 2024 at 10:14 am
Politics leads to power … then one’s agenda is safe to be unveiled.
Michael K
November 4, 2024 at 6:18 pm
So, Casey admits, it’s not about what is the best public policy – it truly is nothing more than power and control.
Newsflash: The supermajority legislators and her husband have wildly overreached with their radical far-right agenda. This is a much-needed course correction.
November 5, 2024 at 10:15 am
Not in Florida, not yet, anyway.
Silly Wabbit
November 5, 2024 at 12:09 pm
She kwazy.
November 5, 2024 at 4:53 pm
“ pass an agenda” Casey???
How about the legislature, in their sycophantic need to remain in power, attempt to bypass the will of the people?
3and 4 will pass and guess what? I’m betting nobody will be smoking pot when you go to the playground.
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