Florida’s homestead exemptions are good, but not good enough, according to Gov. Ron DeSantis.
He said he may talk soon with state lawmakers about increasing the benefit threefold, a move that would require a constitutional amendment.
“We need to limit even further property tax rates,” he said. “We should be tripling the homestead exemption to make sure that our primary homeowners are protected.”
Today, homeowners in the Sunshine State can qualify for an up to $50,000 reduction in the assessed value of their homes, which lowers property taxes. Further benefits are available to veterans, active-duty military service members, disabled first responders, senior citizens and property owners with disabilities.
Florida does not have a statewide property tax, but counties and municipalities do. And while areas in the state have enjoyed lower rates, homeowners in others — including those in Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa — have seen their post-pandemic property tax bills skyrocket.
“Some of these local governments … do a pretty good job, but some of them waste your money, and I’d rather protect you and limit their ability to tax your (property),” DeSantis said Wednesday during a press conference in Miami. “So, we may be working with the Legislature to see (if there are) some things that we can … put on the ballot so that voters have an opportunity to rein in the cost associated with property taxes and get further protections for Florida taxpayers. I think that would be really good, and I think that would be a great thing to leave to future generations.”
Spring Hill Republican Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, a staunch ally of the Governor’s, noted on X shortly after DeSantis’ comments that he now has a bill in drafting that would raise the exemption to $75,000. He said it should be filed “within the next week or so.”
“Using the median value, (in) 1990, your homestead accounted for 32% of the value of your home. Today, the current homestead exemption accounts for LESS THAN 10% of the value of your home!” Ingoglia said. “Floridians are demanding tax relief! It’s time to make housing affordable again!”
Far more drastic steps have been floated in recent years, including a proposal Ocala Republican Rep. Ryan Chamberlin carried last year to abolish property taxes in Florida altogether.
DeSantis doesn’t appear to be entirely averse to that idea either.
“I mean, if you were starting a community and a country from scratch, you would never want to tax property and land,” he said. “You buy a house, you own the land, but you’ve got to pay the government for the courtesy of just being able to exercise your property right? Not really a good thing. And so we do have the homestead. It’s effective to a certain extent. But I think it needs to be much better.”
This wasn’t the first time the Governor said homestead exemptions need fixing. During a teaser in Destin last month of his now-released spending plan for the next fiscal year, he said he’d like to see a “crack down on property taxes in the state” through a constitutional amendment.
February 5, 2025 at 4:41 pm
Because he has too, his shit-for-brains base can’t afford to live here anyway, and the billioniares need more tax exemptions on the mega-mansions they’re building.
tom palmer
February 5, 2025 at 5:23 pm
If this were approved, it could mean many homeowners would pay no property taxes at all. when it is combined with Save Our Homes caps on appraised value for tax purposes. How would this affect revenue for public safety and schools, the two largest chunks of many local budgets?
February 5, 2025 at 5:44 pm
The homestead exemption does not get applied to the school tax portion of the tax bill.
Therefore, it is impossible for any homeowner to pay zero tax.
Plus, these credits apply to appraised value. Setting the school tax aside, in order to pay no tax, someone would need to be living in a house that’s worth $75,000 or less. I guess there might be a trailer in the Everglades that’s worth that little, but then again, they are not getting much in the way of county services either..
tom palmer
February 6, 2025 at 8:00 am
You need to look at how it might affect taxable value. My home has a market value of around $161K, but after Homestead Exemption and SOH, the taxable value is around $12K and that value applies across the board, including school tax.
February 5, 2025 at 5:55 pm
Great idea !!!!!! For once I agree with our Governor. The property taxes my wife and I pay are outrageous, and it’s even worse that a huge chunk of that money goes for things we don’t even use. (no kids in school, don’t use the library etc, etc, etc) That large increase in homestead exemption and the reining in of the taxes themselves would be greatly supported. The cities need to do what us taxpayers must do – live within their budgets, not just jack up the tax rate every time they need more money !!!!!!
FL Native Elder
February 5, 2025 at 6:51 pm
Using the official US GUVMINT inflation calculator to see what $25K in 1980 is today shows $96K+
So even if the exemption is updated to $75K, it still has not kept up with the degradation of our dollars AKA ”inflation.”
here’s the link to the BLS calculator with the numbers
February 5, 2025 at 8:02 pm
There should be no taxes on homesteaded property!
February 5, 2025 at 8:14 pm
Totally agree. Since more than half of the state budget goes to Medicaid and public education, starving the beast will do wonders for driving folks out of Florida. No health care, no education, what less could any employer want?
February 14, 2025 at 9:11 am
If cities and counties lowered their mileage rates when property values shot up over the past five years we would have nearly the property taxes rates we have now. The cities and counties just held their mileages rates and let the tax dollars roll in. They can’t complain now that homestead exemption might go up.
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