Over the past few months, there has been much anxiety in the Thoroughbred racing community about legislation working its way through Tallahassee that would strip Florida’s racing permit-holders of their obligation to host live races, turning them into nothing more than gaming facilities.
Those fortunate enough to work in this industry understand that it’s a partnership, a bond, a tradition – a vital part of what has defined us, and this state, for generations.
The proposed legislation, HB 105/SB 408, is being touted as a solution to “save” Florida Thoroughbreds. As a top trainer at Gulfstream Park, I’m here to tell you Florida racing is alive and well – but this bill could kill it.
Our $3.24 billion racing industry speaks to the way Florida-bred horses consistently appear in winners’ circles across the nation. Florida racing brings in tourists and it draws talent, with as much as 75% of all juvenile Thoroughbreds training right here in the Sunshine State. Countless visitors attend Gulfstream Park for the Florida Derby, a key race to identify contenders amongst the dreamers in the chase for a spot in the prestigious Kentucky Derby starting gate.
These numbers illustrate Florida racing’s economic significance, but they fail to capture the true essence of what this industry means to those of us who dedicate our lives to it.
My passion for racing is about the life I’ve built alongside these extraordinary animals and the community that surrounds them. A single horse’s journey involves a dedicated team of grooms, blacksmiths, veterinarians, riders and countless others who nurture, train, and care for them. Every day, we rise early to feed, tack, and train before sunup and finish with sunsetting cool-outs, feed, and night checks – all in the pursuit of shared triumph at the finish line on Saturday. We put our hearts into these horses, and in return they teach us resilience, trust, and the deepest forms of loyalty.
To me, a horse isn’t just an athlete on a track; a horse is a best friend. There’s that indescribable bond you’ve nurtured, and the mutual trust earned. They rely on you just as much as you rely on them, and we have each other’s back throughout. And when you’ve earned that trust, that’s a loyalty that can’t be matched.
That’s why it’s impossible to swallow this bill, which is being pushed under the dual falsehood of “reform” and “industry supported.” HB 105 casts racing aside in favor of slot machines and card rooms, replacing the beauty of live racing with the cold, impersonal world of gaming machines. This bill threatens an entire industry that has long been a feather in Florida’s cap, and it undercuts years of hard work by so many of us who have dedicated our lives to these majestic animals. It’s going to hurt people like me and my family, for whom the horse is lifestyle, passion, and, finally, a way to make a living.
Decoupling — severing gaming from live horse racing venues — undermines our commitment to these animals and the entire industry. This bill is an insult to everything we stand for. The future of Florida racing is on the line. Let’s stand together to protect it.
Saffie Joseph Jr. is a prominent trainer at Gulfstream Park, where he has trained multiple stakes-winning Thoroughbreds and remains a passionate advocate for the future of Florida horse racing.