The Senate has unanimously passed legislation that could modernize education programs for individuals with autism.
The Senate voted 36-0 in favor of legislation (SB 102) that would direct the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) to establish a workforce credential program for students with an autism spectrum disorder, or students on a modified curriculum, to enhance job opportunities after they graduate from school.
Sen. Don Gaetz, a Seaside Republican, sponsored the bill and said it was important for individuals with autism, both children and adults, to be better prepared to directly enter the workforce. Many with significant conditions find work only through autism centers now.
“This will give them now the ability to go out and get a job elsewhere,” Gaetz said.
Sen. Jay Collins, a Tampa Republican, said autistic people should be given the opportunity to contribute to the economy. But he noted that some famous people on the spectrum have made enormous contributions to society without government involvement.
“Look at Elon Musk and people changing the direction of our planet. They think differently, and they have evolved our society as a whole,” Collins said. “I applaud what we’re doing, but let’s just take a moment to understand that there are different people that will look at this differently, and not everybody is going to need a hand up. They just want the opportunity to be successful.”
Sen. Tracie Davis, a Jacksonville Democrat, supported the bill but raised concerns about whether it would have a greater financial cost than expected. While a fiscal impact analysis by the state said the FDOE spending in establishing a credential program will be absorbed with existing revenue sources, she has heard concerns from local governments.
“The challenge that I will have with this is we are adding another layer to our school districts with no contemplation of the fiscal that we’re putting on them,” Davis said.
Gaetz said if the new requirements add financial costs for schools that were not anticipated by state analysts, he will work with Davis to find budget solutions to cover those for districts.
“I will make the offer to her that if it turns out that all of the analysis that’s been done said that suggests there is no fiscal is wrong, and it turns out that there is a financial burden on anybody as a consequence of this bill, I will cheerfully work with her next year to provide additional funding,” Gaetz said.
A House companion bill (HB 127) sponsored by Rep. Kim Kendall, a St. Augustine Republican, has moved through three House committees and awaits consideration in the House Education and Employment Committee.