Tag: same sex marriage
Image via candidate.

Jac VerSteegJune 28, 2015

It’s hard to be a straight-down-the-line Catholic and maintain logical consistency. It’s easier to be a cafeteria Catholic, picking and choosing which church positions to embrace. It’s even easier to be – as I am – a cafeteria non-Catholic; we don’t have to feel guilty about diverging from the Vatican’s official line. The Most Rev. […]

Mitch PerryJune 26, 2015

“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family … [Challengers] ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.” — Supreme Court of the United States. Legal same-sex marriages must be recognized throughout the United States, […]

Melissa RossApril 28, 2015

As the U.S. Supreme Court hears historic oral arguments on same-sex marriage, Jacksonville’s LGBT activists are growing increasingly vocal in pressing their case for full legal protections. “The change around this issue has happened so quickly,” says Dan Merkan, chairman of the Jax Coalition for Equality. Merkan says the Coalition will continue to advocate for […]

Guest AuthorNovember 30, 2014

Everyone knows how Charlie Crist lost: votes. But not enough has been said about how Charlie Crist won. First, the People’s Governor willingly walked into a $100 million wall. Rick Scott had $25 million in negative ads waiting to bully any challengers on day one and his campaign was boasting about an unprecedented, and almost […]


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