Ahead of the Aug. 30 primary in Congressional District 4, Hans Tanzler III is showing some fundraising mettle.
After what the campaign is calling a “well-attended fundraiser” on Thursday, Tanzler has $300,000 banked.
The “Friends of Hans Tanzler” event host committee included people who are being called “leaders in the community,” including John Baker, Marty Fiorentino, David Hutson, Rick Morales, Ed Nimnicht, Major General Gerald Maloney, and Ambassador Marilyn McAfee.
“We are off to a strong start, and I am so grateful to all the friends and supporters who are rallying around our conservative campaign,” said Tanzler about the early days of his campaign. “There are too many career politicians in Washington content with the status quo. We have got to stand up to the liberals who are leading us toward socialism and away from freedom, and that’s exactly what I intend to do in Congress.”
Tanzler, running to replace Ander Crenshaw, has multiple opponents in the GOP primary. The most notable are Lake Ray, a Jacksonville state representative, and John Rutherford, a former Jacksonville sheriff.
One comment
Jimbo Breland
May 20, 2016 at 1:48 pm
#BigJimBreland strongly endorses JOHN RUTHERFORD, for Congress, District 4 ! VoteHonor
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