Bobby Payne backs Sam Greco for HD 19

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'He understands the needs of Northeast Florida and has the experience and vision to fight for our future.'

Rep. Bobby Payne is throwing his support behind Sam Greco in the race for House District 19.

“I am proud to endorse Sam Greco for HD 19,” Payne said in a news release.

“Sam’s commitment to our community, his strong conservative values, and his unwavering dedication to public service make him the ideal candidate to represent Flagler and St. Johns Counties. He understands the needs of Northeast Florida and has the experience and vision to fight for our future. I have no doubt that Sam will be a steadfast advocate for the people of his district, and I encourage everyone to support his campaign.”

Greco said, “Representative Bobby Payne’s support means a great deal to me and to our campaign, and I am extremely grateful for his endorsement. I share Rep. Payne’s commitment to conservative values, and I’m honored by the trust and confidence Rep. Payne has placed in me.”

Payne’s endorsement comes shortly after House Speaker Paul Renner — who currently represents HD 19 and is term limited — announced he was backing Greco as his preferred successor.

Greco, a Navy JAG Officer, is one of four Republicans running for the seat, which covers Flagler County and part of St. Johns County. He faces Darryl BoyerMatthew Nellans and James St. George in the Primary. Democrat Thomas Morley is also running, but HD 19 is reliably Republican.

So far, St. George leads the money race with $390,000 raised, though $250,000 of that total came from his own bank account. Greco did show fundraising chops in his first report, which listed $108,000 received — including $20,000 in candidate loans — between Feb. 22 and the end of the reporting period on March 31.

Staff Reports


  • Legit Question

    May 21, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    Who in the heck Bobby Payne?

  • Daddy’s Boy

    May 21, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    Bobby Payne? No one knows who that is. I guess they are looking down in Biden’s basement for endorsements for this nepo baby.

    Investigate this guy’s wife

  • Bobby McGee

    May 21, 2024 at 3:04 pm

    ‘He understands the needs of Northeast Florida and has the experience and vision to fight for our future.’

    Let’s break down this Payne quote of absolute nonsense:

    First, Greco never lived in this district until very recently. Then, he moved to St John’s county. The vast majority of his district is Flagler County.

    Second, Greco has never voted in the district he’s running in. Greco lived in either South Florida or in Washington DC.

    Third, Greco has no relationship, whatsoever, with any local elected official. How is he supposed to “know our issues” when he doesn’t have a single relationship in the District he lives in? It’s impossible.

    Fourth, what grown man goes by the name of “Bobby”? I mean, that’s just creepy.

    Darryl Boyer is Flagler. He’s a homegrown, hometown Conservative who we want to be our Representative.

    Neither Renner, nor Payne are listening to their locally elected or their constituents. All they’re interested in doing is shoving someone the people don’t want, down our throats. I question their motives and their intentions.

  • Jennifer M.

    May 21, 2024 at 3:07 pm

    Yes, you’re correct . A gentleman who is not from this area, who doesn’t have residency anywhere near Flagler or St. Johns, and who never showed his face to any Republican or Conservative event, ceremony, etc. prior to running for this seat knows the needs and values of these counties and their constituents. The disingenuous of these endorsements is palpable. Such a shame when there’s a real candidate out there who does truly meet this description. #voteboyer2024

    • rick whitaker

      May 21, 2024 at 3:26 pm

      JENNIFER M. , boyer is a gop making him a bad choice for florida.

  • Kayla P.

    May 21, 2024 at 3:09 pm


    • rick whitaker

      May 21, 2024 at 3:25 pm

      KAYLA P. , boyer is a gop, making him a bad choice for florida.

  • rick whitaker

    May 21, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    LEGIT QUESTION, bobby payne is a republican, making him a bad choice for florida.

  • Claudette O'Dowd

    May 21, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    Not sure what is going on here but I would think if someone really cared about the community, the person would ask community members what they want.
    Darryl Boyer is from the area and listens to what we have to say. From my understanding, Sam Greco just moved to the area and has not spent time with us. If you put the community first, you would stand with Darryl Boyer.

    • rick whitaker

      May 21, 2024 at 5:56 pm


  • Kathy Summerlot

    May 21, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    Darryl Boyer is Flagler grown and knows our issues. Greco never even voted here. C’mon man. Darryl has my vote , hands down!!

  • Diana McLemore

    May 21, 2024 at 4:08 pm

    Another absurd and ridiculous endorsement for Sam Greco. Greco just waltzed into our area a few months ago. It is so false that he knows anything about our district and our needs. Darryl L. Boyer is the right person for this position and nobody else. He has lived here all his life and knows best how to represent us and our needs.

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