On the banks of the Saint Johns River in Jacksonville, on a perfect 80 degree, sunny afternoon, the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce today held a “meet the candidates” event for picks of JAXBIZ, its political arm.
Daniel Davis, Chamber President, expects the BIZ Picks to resonate. He says the Chamber has “three thousand members with lots and lots of employees.” The Chamber has a lot riding on this election, and has cut across party lines to endorse candidates who support a pro-business agenda.
Right now, Davis said, the focus is on raising money, finding a way to complement each candidate on a case by case basis.
I talked to a few of the candidates who got the coveted endorsement. One such candidate: At Large City Council candidate Michelle Tappouni, who seems to embody the market conservative paradigm that the Chamber prefers.
Describing herself as “pro small business”, she believes that the endorsement came because the Chamber “recognizes her almost 30 years of experience” working to bring forth positive outcomes, with a lot of that serving as a liaison between small business and state and federal legislators.
Scott Wilson, a first-time City Council candidate and member of the Duval County Republican Executive Committee, likewise values the endorsement, saying that “Chamber support tells people the small business community is behind me.” Among the issues the Southside Republican prioritizes are pension reform, balancing the budget, and addressing public safety issues, such as loitering and panhandling, near the intersection of Beach and University Boulevards.
And then, of course, there was Councilman Bill Gulliford, who doesn’t need the Chamber’s help — he’s running unopposed. He just showed up to “signal appreciation for the Chamber’s support.”
The complete list of JAXBIZ endorsements:
Mayor: Lenny Curry
Sheriff: Mike Williams
City Council District 2: Lisa King
District 3: Aaron Bowman
District 4: Scott Wilson
District 5: Lori Boyer
District 6: Matt Schellenberg
District 7: Reginald Gaffney
District 8: Pat Lockett-Felder
District 9: Garrett Dennis
District 10: Reggie Brown
District 11: Danny Becton
District 12: Doyle Carter
District 13: Bill Gulliford
District 14: Jim Love
At-Large, Group 1: Anna Brosche
At-Large, Group 2: David Barron
At-Large, Group 3: Tommy Hazouri
At-Large, Group 4: Greg Anderson
At-Large, Group 5: Michelle Tappouni