On Thursday, Gov. Rick Scott named two Tampa legal experts to the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court, which serves Hillsborough County.
Judge Christopher Nash, 43, of Tampa, currently serves as Hillsborough County Judge in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit. He previously practiced with Leavengood, Nash, Dauval & Boyle from 2004-2013. Before that, he worked with Akerman Senterfitt from 2000-2004.
Nash received his bachelor’s, master’s, and law degrees from the University of Florida. He fills a vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Ed Bergmann.
“Judge Nash was a sound jurist on the county bench,” Scott said. “And I know he will continue his honorable judicial service on the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court.”
Mark Kiser, 41, also of Tampa, has practiced with the Trenam Kemker firm since 2003. Previously, he practiced with Zimmerman, Kiser, and Sutcliffe from 2002-2003. Kiser received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame and his law degree from the University of Florida.
Kisner fills a vacancy created by the appointment of Judge Matthew Lucas to the Second District Court of Appeal.
“Mark has demonstrated a willingness to serve Florida families,” Scott said. “He will be an excellent addition to the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court.”