With the first debate between Ken Jefferson and Mike Williams in the books, the latter isn’t quite declaring victory.
However, his campaign clearly is feeling confident about what played out on Jacksonville televisions Tuesday evening. It’s saying Williams “laid out the distinctions between his vast experience leading various units in the agency, which drew attention to Jefferson’s lack of experience managing people or budgets and the fact that he never achieved any rank while employed by JSO.”
That sum ups what was a very frank and personal debate at times, which one local political insider described as one of the nastiest debates he has ever seen locally.
The email brings up the salient policy points Williams made during the debate, likely familiar to anyone following our coverage of forums and debates the past few months. They are prevention, intervention, and enforcement, as to their bearing on everything from curbing the effects of violent crime related to the drug trade via gangs to his desire to bring back the Jacksonville Journey programs.
As well, the Williams campaign will respond to any and all questions emailed, tweeted and posted on the campaign Facebook page, claims the release.
“When I was looking at the monitors, I realized how engaged many citizens were in the process, and how many questions they tweeted that didn’t make it to air. I want to answer all those questions, and if people will re-tweet them to me, @RealCopToughJob, I will answer them all in the next day or so,” said Williams in the statement.
Our poll of the Sheriff’s race shows the candidates in a dead heat with less than two weeks to go before Election Day.