District 8 Councilwoman E. Denise Lee has been making news lately with lacerating criticisms of the Alvin Brown campaign outreach to the African-American community. Recently, Neil Henrichsen, the chair of the Duval County Democratic Party, said Lee has not been active in the Democratic Party in years. His comments took Lee by surprise and she responded that “he has never reached out to me.”
“Ain’t nobody elected Neil What’s-His-Name to nothing,” Lee said. “I’ve been elected. I am African-American; he isn’t. I understand the culture; he doesn’t. You know he’s not telling the truth. Nobody elected him to nothing. He’s never been to a committee meeting in my district.”
She also took Henrichsen to task for his statement that she was playing politics regarding Brown’s advertisements that she found inflammatory.
“The nerve of him to project something on me; that’s not true leadership. If he had you-know-what, he’d call me.”
Duval Democrats fired back in a statement from James Poindexter, secretary of the Duval Democratic Executive Committee, rebutting her contentions that she was shut out of the party in recent years.
“Councilwoman Lee has served our community with distinction and grace for many years,” Poindexter wrote. “I am simply dumbfounded to hear her recent allegations that the Duval County Democratic Executive Committee has intentionally excluded her from any of our events. The Party has sent her countless invitations to our monthly general meetings and special events, yet she has not responded to a single one.
“Immediately after he was elected Chair of the Duval County Democratic Executive Committee, Neil Henrichsen held a Party Summit on March 2, 2013. Every single elected Democrat in Jacksonville, including Councilwoman Lee, was invited to attend and address the membership. All of the invited officials attended and spoke at the event with the exception of Councilwoman Lee who did not respond in any way to our invitation. (Dr. Gaffney was unable to attend due to a family medical issue),” Poindexter wrote.
He had more examples of the disconnect.
“In July 2014, the Duval Democratic Executive Committee held a grand opening event for its new office in Councilwoman Lee’s district. As you can see from the emails I have forwarded to you, invitations were sent to the Councilwoman at three different email address. Additionally, State Committeeman Ray Alfred attempted to reach her by telephone to request her attendance. Again, Councilwoman Lee did not attend the event in her District,” Poindexter wrote.
Lee retorts that Poindexter’s statement is “totally inaccurate” and that Gateway is actually in District 7. She also states that she did talk to Alfred for 5-7 minutes and told him that she would not attend because she felt the location was not central enough for access to the entire community.
“There has been no falling out between the Councilwoman and the Duval County Democratic Executive Committee as there has been no contact by the Councilwoman. Her decision not to participate in our events is just that; her decision. We welcome her to attend any of our monthly meetings where she will be given the same opportunity to address the membership we offer all elected officials. We meet the third Monday of every month at the I.B.E.W. Union Hall.”
He also mention hat she was invited in October to a November 2013 event. The invitation was hand-delivered to her office by Henrichsen and accepted by her legislative assistant.
Lee had a blunt response to Poindexter’s email.
“I am an elected official. Just like they pick up the phone and call others, they could call me. I worked with the party before they got there. I am not going to entertain what they say,” Lee said.
“When Terrie Brady was in, I went on the road, ran campaigns, [dealt with] absentee ballots.”
Lee said she thinks the Party is trying to “create a story” to counter “comments that may be contrary to what they want to hear” regarding Mayor Brown’s targeted campaign advertising.
“I am a Democrat and will remain a Democrat. But as a black person, I don’t agree with race-baiting. Period.”
Clearly, there is divergence on this matter, which makes Team Bishop’s rift with the Republican Executive Committee in January look like a pillow fight.