Summertime often sees a flurry of personnel moves in the world of government and politics. Continuing this occasional series, we update you on who’s in the Departure Lounge.
First up is the well-liked Amy Christian, formerly of lobbying powerhouse Johnson & Blanton, who, like her husband David, has left Tallahassee for Orlando. Christian has gone in-house with Pfizer.
Another lobbyist moving on is Sara Gross, who has left Ron Pierce’s RSA Consulting Group. Pierce, whose firm continues to expand, tells me the parting was amicable and long-planned.
A name known to many lobbyists and politicos in Tallahassee is Caitlin Murray. She’s only sort of in the Departure Lounge as she is no longer fundraising for the Republican Party of Florida after serving a stint there during its transition period. Murray had opened her own company earlier this year. But then she was approached by the RPOF to help it with its fundraising efforts. Now Murray is back at work, building her own brand. She tells FloridaPolitics.com that she already has several clients lined up.
A couple of quick hits about two reporters who cover Florida politics.
As evidenced by this delicious looking going-away cake, Jeremy Wallace’s transition from the Sarasota Herald-Tribune to the Tampa Bay Times is now underway.
Then there’s Micahel Mishak, formerly of the Associated Press now with National Journal, offered this fantastic tweet: @MJMishak: Breaking: This #FloridaMan leaves #Florida. I came, I saw, I went worm gruntin. After LeBron left, it was only a matter of time. Thx to all.