Rep. Ron DeSantis, a Naval Reserve Officer, has blasted out another email expressing frustration with the Department of Veterans Affairs, responding to reports that the VA has denied 35,093 combat veterans benefits due to an ongoing computer error.
“Over 35,000 combat veterans have been stuck in limbo due to a computer glitch that could have easily been remedied when it was discovered in April, yet there is no accountability within the VA. The VA has failed our veterans once again. The Senate needs to approve the House’s recently-passed VA accountability bill so that VA officials who have been derelict in their duties to our veterans can be swiftly removed from their posts. Our veterans deserve better than a chronically inept bureaucracy,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis, a Tea Party favorite and Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, recently chaired hearings looking into oversight of the Department of Veterans Affairs major lease procurement procedures.
DeSantis is part of a crowded field of GOP politicians around the state looking to replace Sen. Marco Rubio, and his nascent Senate campaign is being closely watched to see if he can successfully garner both Tea Party and establishment support.