Democratic frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton unveiled a new 30-second ad Wednesday morning, titled “Reshuffle,” that will air in the early primary states of Iowa and New Hampshire.
Taking a cue from left-leaning challenger Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders — who has been surging in New Hampshire, taking the lead last week according to recent polling — Clinton’s new message is inflected by economic populism and a concern for inequality in the the workforce.
“When you see that you’ve got CEOs making 300 times what the average worker’s making, you know the deck is stacked in favor of those at the top,” says Clinton, directly into the camera. “I want it to be back where it was when I came of age. Where my mom, who never got to go to college, could see her daughter go to law school.”
“We need to have people believing that their work will be rewarded. So I’m going to be doing everything I can to try to get that deck reshuffled so being middle class means something again,” the ad concludes.
See the full 30-second spot below: