Political operatives in Central Florida are certain U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown will not sit still if (or when) her congressional district is redrawn.
Brown might consider running in Florida’s 10th Congressional District, which covers much of the Orlando area, if she loses the fight to keep her current District 5 seat, which has caught the attention of the Florida Supreme court for its snaking all the way up to Jacksonville.
If that should happen, Brown would enter what will already be a high-drama primary between two popular Orlando Democrats.
State Sen. Geraldine Thompson announced her intentions yesterday. Thompson already represents large parts of the newly proposed 10th district map.
Former Orlando Police Chief Val Demings, who ran in 2012, also announced her candidacy on Monday, with established ties to the DCCC.
Brown, a longtime congresswoman, reportedly believes she can keep enough of her existing 5th District to defeat Thompson, and expects to use her her long tenure in Washington to outreach Demings financially.
“Her supporters could also be floating these rumors to try to scare up support” admitted one Orlando political consultant. “She’s fighting this battle alone, and she could be trying to send a message that she’s not going to move for anyone.”
The winner of the Democratic primary would also stand a good chance of capturing a general election victory, especially since the new 10th District can expect to lean left when the final maps are completed.
Republican incumbent Daniel Webster said last week it would be difficult for an incumbent to keep that seat.
Brown is adamant about representing the African-American communities in Central Florida, even filing a lawsuit to halt the redistricting process.
“It’s not what a district looks like, or what it’s shaped like, it’s whether it has representative government.” Brown said at an Orlando press conference earlier this month. “I had a job before I was in Congress. I want someone that looks like me to be in this seat.”