Say what you will about Chris Dorworth — and I have said a lot — but the former Republican state lawmaker is having a banner week.
An Orange County judge has upheld an October decision throwing out a charge of breaking state public records laws against Dorworth, reports Dan Tracy of the Orlando Sentinel.
Judge Alicia L. Latimore in Orlando issued a one-page opinion last week agreeing with the ruling last year of Judge Tanya Davis Wilson that Dorworth was allowed to speak with members of the then Orlando Orange County Expressway Authority.
Dorworth was accused of acting as a go-between between two ex-members of the authority in an effort to oust then-director Max Crumit.
On the opposite side of this case is the State Attorney for Orange and Osceola Jeff Ashton, who said Sunday that he signed up on AshleyMadison.com, the website for married individuals seeking extramarital affairs. Ashton said he signed up because he was curious but insists he did not have an affair.
Crumit’s name also appears in the Ashley Madison data files, although it has not been verified whether he paid for the website’s services.
With another exoneration from the judicial system, while two of his bete noires find themselves on the wrong end of a burgeoning scandal, Dorworth is an early front runner for Winner of the Week in Florida politics.