Linda “Sunshine” Grund, a student and mother of three, threw her hat in the ring for Orlando Mayor.
Grund filed this morning, becoming the third candidate to join the race.
Grund’s platform is “Promise, Peace, and Purpose.” Her campaign will be centered around development in the Lake Nona area, where she’s raising her family.
In a phone conversation with Florida Politics, Grund wants to be “a voice for the citizens.”
“There needs to be more representation from the general population and not just the ones currently involved,” she added.
Grund joins Paul Paulson to mount a second challenge to incumbent Mayor Buddy Dyer in the non-partisan race. Dyer is seeking a fifth term.
Elections will be in November, after being moved up from early 2016 to avoid conflict with the Presidential primaries. Qualifying for the race ends today.
One comment
September 29, 2015 at 10:10 am
No 5th term for any politician
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