In what will be one of the most eagerly anticipated Jacksonville City Council meetings of the year, the City Council is set to officially approve the FY 16 budget and related bills on Monday evening.
But wait, there’s so much more.
A resolution authorizing an inquiry into the legality and the validity of the Police and Fire Pension Fund Senior Staff Voluntary Retirement Plan will be up for a vote. This measure got through Finance and Rules Committees last week on a 6 to 1 vote, after it was pushed back to committees at the last council meeting.
A resolution of Council support for the local J-1 bill, which would relax requirements for restaurants to serve liquor in the Riverside and Avondale areas, is expected to pass. A potential sticking point: a sponsor for the bill will have to be named before Council.
Kirk Wendland‘s appointment as Economic Development Officer is expected to be approved. Assuming, of course, that the outspoken Tommy Hazouri, who has serious qualms, doesn’t torpedo it.
A much-discussed bill to increase penalties for snipe signs has cleared committees and is expected to pass, which hopefully will end, at least for now, one of the most interminable debate topics this Council has faced.
Among first reading resolutions: an appeal of former FSU standout Lav Coles‘ rejection, by the Planning Commission, to open a [a-hem] a “dancing entertainment establishment.” The dancing entertainment is expected to involve cash transactions, metal poles, and cheesy DJ sets. Lobbying superstar Paul Harden is the offensive coordinator for this drive. The district councilwoman affected: the no-nonsense Lori Boyer.
As well, the Planning Commission “purge” resolutions, involving replacements for Planning Chair Lisa King and Joey McKinnon, will be introduced. Duval Democratic Party Chair Neil Henrichsen has a unique opportunity here to show up and put the Curry administration on notice about these moves and others that he and others have condemned in local media.
Agenda meeting starts at 4:00 p.m.