Early next week, Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry is scheduling one on one meetings with JEA Board members, in the wake of some serious issues he and his administration has with scripted comments made by board members related to a pay increase for the JEA CEO.
In the wake of the scheduling of those meetings, he may find the following unscripted comments more interesting than the JEA Board boilerplate.
One Board member has indicated her readiness for a showdown in the best way possible: a Facebook post.
Lisa Strange Weatherby, one of the members summoned to the fourth floor of City Hall, hurled calumnies at the Curry administration, at the Florida Times-Union (whose crime was actually, you know, reporting the story), at editor Frank Denton (with whom the grudge seems almost personal from the board member) and at Nate Monroe, the writer.
Lisa Strange Weatherby writes that “one thing that is going on in the mayor’s office is that he has now summoned me, board chair Helen Albee, and board member Wyman Winbush to his office next week.”
Strange Weatherby leaves out the fact that other board members were summoned in the exact same manner.
The invite was “apparently prompted by the article in the TU written by the barely literate Nate Monroe and APPROVE [SIC] by the marginally competent Frank Denton.”
Strange Weatherby asserts that the “article is an excuse for him” (whoever “him” is) “to carry on his purge of his paranoia-induced political enemies, aided and abetted by the wingnuts at the TU.”
This meeting, quite likely, won’t be a public notice meeting, or open to the media. Which is too bad, as this rhetorical Molotov cocktail sets the stage for a lively exchange.