Jacksonville Councilman Bill Gulliford introduced legislation (2015-683) on Monday that would amend Jacksonville’s Charter and put checks on the Police and Fire Pension Fund.
Clearly, if the 18-to-1 vote to inquire into the legality of the PFPF Senior Staff Retirement Plan from Monday night’s Jacksonville City Council meeting is any indication, the Finance Committee chairman will have broad-based support for his proposed reforms.
The legislation would reaffirm that the PFPF Board of Trustees is not authorized to create a pension plan or administer any pension plan other than the Police and Fire Pension Plan. It would also prohibit the board from offering as a retirement benefit anything other than the General Employees’ Pension Plan or a defined contribution plan. It would also permit the employees of the board of trustees to join the General Employees’ Pension Plan.
As well, the legislation would amend the Charter to provide that board employees shall be members of the city’s retirement and pension system.
Expect this to be a highlight of the Finance and Rules Committee hearings the first full week of October.