Rick Scott the Socialist’s trial balloon struck out with his hospital profit sharing plan earlier this year. It was openly mocked by Republicans and Democrats alike. But now, just in time to scare red blooded capitalist children at Halloween, Scott the Socialist is back.
I’m told his staff has been shopping a hospital price-fixing bill to House Republicans for two weeks, and has yet to find a sponsor, or Bernie Sanders. So, late Friday night, that same exact bill, without a sponsor, showed up on his Hospital Commission website, apparently earlier than directed.
In it, he calls for more government in healthcare, and government regulated price fixing caps for inpatient admission, outpatient visits, or any other medical care.
This is the standard, required reminder that Scott led a hospital chain that paid the largest fine in history for defrauding taxpayers. And, as the Associated Press’ Gary Fineout yelled after his last failed “price gouging” press conference, “how do you have credibility on this issue?”
In the Republican, freedom-loving House, apparently he doesn’t.
This is the language that has repulsed free market, conservatives: