The former US military commander in the Middle East is appearing in North Florida this week and giving his insights on how world powers should respond to the deadly attacks in Paris from the Islamic State.
John Abizaid, the retired U.S. Army general who served as U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) commander from 2003-2007, will speak Tuesday evening on the UNF campus in a talk entitled “What Should We Be Concerned About?” hosted by the World Affairs Council of Jacksonville. The event is sold out.
That title seems almost comically quaint after the horror of Paris.
Indeed, in an appearance last month at Duke University, Abizaid said stability in the region depends on a more significant role from the United States.
“I don’t want my grandkids to fight in the Middle East. But I don’t see how there will be a better future without an American role.”
However, he added military power will only buy time for a long-term political solution.
Abizaid, a West Point and Harvard graduate of Arab descent, also appeared at a Monday JAX Chamber military appreciation luncheon.