The state’s oversight body for high school athletics is way down at the half, after the first of two House review panels unanimously OK’d legislation that would overhaul the organization.
The House Education Appropriations subcommittee on Tuesday cleared the bill (HB 31) filed by state Rep. Ross Spano, a Dover Republican.
It would change the way the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) does business, including ensuring that it is revenue neutral each year.
The unanimous 12-0 passage, including votes by Democrats who questioned the need for the bill, wasn’t a good sign that the association would emerge unscathed this upcoming Legislative Session, as it has in previous years.
This will make the fifth year in a row that lawmakers have challenged the organization, which oversees 32 male and female high-school sports, including player eligibility in each. Bills filed last session would have done away with the group altogether.
Conservative lawmakers have targeted the association in recent years after constituents complained about their children not being able to play certain sports because of strict transfer rules, especially when youngsters change schools but don’t move to another district.
FHSAA’s CEO, Roger Dearing, said Tuesday’s hearing at least helped narrow the issues.
“I truly believe there is some misinformation out there,” he told Florida Politics after the vote. “Once I have a chance to educate members, I think there will be fewer issues.”
For instance, Dearing told lawmakers his group saves its 805 member-schools money by seeking sponsorships from Spalding, Gatorade, Champion and other athletic concerns, with that money – about $2.6 million – subsidizing the costs of athletic competition.
“It feels like we are being criticized for having a good business model,” Dearing said.
But the head of an athletic group for small private and charter schools said FHSAA’s one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for his members, who may join FHSAA but aren’t required to.
Spano’s bill says FHSAA “may not prohibit or discourage any school from simultaneously maintaining membership in the FHSAA and another athletic association.”
It would allow schools to join on a per-sport basis, rather than signing up for a full membership that would require a school to play by FHSAA’s strict rules in all athletics.
“Offer choice and give control back to the schools,” said Stuart Weiss, president of the Sunshine State Athletic Conference. “They know what’s best for these kids.”
Spano’s bill next goes to the House Education committee; other related bills have been filed in the Senate and House. The 2016 Legislative Session starts Jan. 12.