With Corrine Brown having been served a subpoena about a subject she won’t divulge with the media or the public, questions are emerging, again, about who will face her if she indeed opts to run for re-election in CD 5.
The most interesting potential candidate for many Democrats: popular Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who told the Tallahassee Democrat that he was still thinking it over, in terms of realpolitik.
“What I don’t want to do is get out, make a declarative statement without having a complete set of what my full considerations have to be,” Gillum said. “And I think for us, the top consideration has to be — for this particular new district — who has the ability to run, win that seat and then be the best representative for the area.”
“If (Brown) were out, I think what you would have is an avalanche of people in Duval County to enter the race, and probably a number of well-known individuals,” Gillum added. “That’s very different from having a two-person race or certainly a two-person race over here and a one-person race over there. If you’re looking strictly through a political lens, it’s consequential what happens.”
Viability is the main metric for Gillum.
“I wouldn’t do this but for a real belief that we can run and win,” he said. “And that it’s the right decision to make at this time.”