Republican State Rep. Eric Eisnaugle brought in more than $20,000 in contributions this past month for his House District 44 re-election campaign.
Eisnaugle raised $14,000 through his campaign account and added another $6,350 through his PAC, Committee for Justice and Economic Freedom. Heading into February, the Orange County representative had just shy of $260,000 cash-on-hand in both accounts.
The incumbent’s only competition so far is former Florida Squeeze writer David Trotter, who entered the race in December more to jab the Florida Democratic Party for not running a candidate than to oppose Eisnaugle. Trotter hasn’t posted any contributions since filing, and he currently doesn’t live in the district, which means he would have to move to the district to hold the seat.
If Democrats do back a candidate in the race, they would face an uphill battle set up by HD44’s demographics. About 40 percent HD44 voters are registered Republicans, compared with just over 33 percent Democrats.
Eisnaugle faced off against Democrat Shaun Raja in the special election to replace former Republican Rep. Steve Precourt and easily returned to the House with 75 percent of the vote. In 2014, his only opposition was no-party candidate Matthew Falconer, whom he beat 65-35 on Election Day to win his first full