After a tough loss over the weekend in Nevada, Bernie Sanders is getting love from Florida progressives.
In advance of the Sunshine State’s presidential primary election on March 15, the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida (DPCF) on Monday announced that it’s endorsing Sanders in the Democratic primary.
“Throughout his political career as well as his presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders has proved to be a bold progressive who is ready to fight for the values that DPCF members hold dear,” said Susan Smith, president of the caucus. “Like our membership, Bernie views the problems of income inequality, institutional racism and money in politics as structural issues that must be addressed for real change to occur.”
Sanders is an underdog in the Florida Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton. The most recent poll taken by Florida Atlantic University shows the former secretary of state leading Sanders by 36 percentage points, 62 percent-26 percent.
Although some analysts are suggesting the race is already over between the two, Sanders will have plenty of opportunities before the Florida vote to get back into the game. While he’s expected to lose to Clinton this Saturday in South Carolina, his campaign is running TV ads in Minnesota, Colorado, Oklahoma and Massachusetts in advance of March 1, when 11 states will vote in primaries or caucuses.
“We’re going to be competitive in 11 states all across the country on Super Tuesday,” Sanders said after conceding in Nevada. “And I believe that on Super Tuesday, we have got an excellent chance to win many of those states.”
The Progressive Caucus upset some Florida Democrats last year when it came out in opposition to U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy‘s U.S. Senate bid. It led one prominent Democrat to attempt to “decertify” the group.
February 22, 2016 at 11:35 am
Wonderful! It will be a pleasure for all of us to vote for a progressive!
February 22, 2016 at 12:28 pm
feel the bern
February 22, 2016 at 4:19 pm
FLIPPING THE SUPERDELEGATES — The Superdelegate System. —-
In February 2016, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee, was asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper, “What do you tell voters who are new to the process who say this makes them feel like it’s all rigged?”
Schultz’s response was, “Superdelegates exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grass-roots activists.”
[ in youtube, search for RawGr83DxpE ]
This clarification was hailed by Clinton supporters as a wise policy to maintain steady, experienced governance, and derided by Sanders supporters as the establishment thwarting the will of the people.
Petition Superdelegates To Change Their Pledge Here >>>>>
[ google for superdelegates?com ]
Politico found that about half of the superdelegates are white men, compared to 28% of the Democratic primary electorate. The superdelegate system favors someone who has Washington insider establishment experience.
Super delegates include: all Democratic members of the United States Congress, Democratic governors, members of the Democratic National Committee, “all former Democratic Presidents, all former Democratic Vice Presidents, all former Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate, all former Democratic Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives and Democratic Minority Leaders, all former Chairs of the Democratic National Committee, distinguished Party leaders (such as former DNC Chairs), state Party Chairs and Vice-Chairs, and a fixed number of spots allocated to the states, intended for other party leaders and elected officials not already covered by the previous categories.
Alan Grayson
February 22, 2016 at 4:26 pm
Melissa klemundt
February 22, 2016 at 4:47 pm
Woo hoo a dream come true! Dont give up Bernie you will win
Harjit Atwal
February 22, 2016 at 7:28 pm
We are with Bernie all the way till the convention.We are not going to vanish.Feel the Bern.
Jack Debain
February 22, 2016 at 7:06 pm
“Although some analysts are suggesting the race is already over between the two, Sanders will have plenty of opportunities before the Florida vote to get back into the game.”
The race is three states in. Bernie Sanders has more popular votes at the moment.
Stop trying to discourage the vote. Respect the democratic process
Bill W
February 22, 2016 at 7:36 pm
I’m surprised so many older voters are buying the line about Clinton fairing better in november. They said the same about Gore, and Kerry.. how did that work out?? There was more than one good reason Obama got the nomination over Hill eight years ago, not least of which was her inability to draw the numbers to the polls it will take to win in November. I’ll be voting for a real progressive!
February 22, 2016 at 8:52 pm
Tough loss???? Hmmm let’s see here, he went from 11% on 7/30/15 to 38% last week to a final in NV of 47.2 while HRC DROPPED from 60% to 56.4 to a final of 52.7… Bernies numbers are rising while hers are dropping. She barely won… Essentially tied.. Whi’s losing momentun???? No Sen Bernie Sanders
February 22, 2016 at 9:59 pm
Thank you so much for doing the next right thing. Much appreciated.
Peggy James
February 23, 2016 at 6:28 am
Senator Bernie Sanders has the qualities and abilities of a true leader! Bernie is fair, kind, honest, humble, energetic, authentic, intelligent, experienced, and passionate about helping every child succeed in this country, thus collectively building a stronger and brighter USA for future generations! Bernie’s health care budget will save the average family $5,000 a year! Bernie is democratic (by the people) socialist (for the people). These democratic socialists programs built this country including our schools, our roads, our national parks, (which saved the buffalo), our US Post Office, social security, our fire depts, our military, etc etc Bernie is not communist. Bernie is Jewish the opposite of communist! Bernie’s goal is to raise the min wage to $15 an hour which is fair and long over due and will also grow the economy. When people make more they contribute more to small business and competition keeps prices down which creates more balance within the economy. Check out Bernie’s long record of helping ordinary people on you tube. The veterans of foreign wars recently gave Bernie the highest congressional award for his fight for veterans. 170 top economists say Bernie’s budget will save the middle class and grow the economy. Get involved! Pass out fliers and make phone calls. Go to berniesanders.com for more information and contribute $5, $10, what you can afford! Check out your voting laws in your state today and remember every vote counts in this very important election. Vote smart! Vote Bernie!
Jeanie Ghafari
February 23, 2016 at 7:21 am
Patrick Murphy is on Hillary Clinton’s payroll. I will NOT VOTE for Murphy.
Kathleen Mcook
February 23, 2016 at 7:55 am
I’m a member and I voted for Hillary Clinton, One can be Progressive and support Hillary Clinton. This endorsement was a majority of Progressive Caucus members, but not all. Some Progressives, like me who have not missed a general or primary in 25 years WILL vote for HRC. I voted for her in 2008, contribute to her monthly. I am a coordinating member of the Progressive Librarian Journal. There is nothing whatsoever that says Bernie owns the Progressive vote nation-wide. This endorsement was by no means unanimous.
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