In case you don’t know what TED is, it stands for “Technology, Entertainment, Design) and is a thing – a big thing in the world of big thinkers. TED talks are given by some of the most innovative and influential leaders in their respective fields across the globe. These talks range from how to reform our schools to uncovering new aspects of human behavior to breakthroughs in technology.
The typical TED talk often starts with an idea that will blow your mind…”The best stats you’ve ever seen”…”New bionics that let us run, climb and dance”…”The history of our world in 18 minutes” and so on.
TEDx, an independent series of events created by the TED folks, are major symposiums that center around events designed to help communities, organizations and people by creating what they call, “TED-like experiences.”
So have you ever heard of Oxford?
Yes, THAT Oxford.
Yes, the place where Stephen Hawking, J.R.R. Tolkien, John Locke and nearly five dozen Nobel prize winners, Prime Ministers, and people who run actual countries have either taught or studied there. And oh yeah, how can you not love the fact that Laurence of Arabia also was an alum. Yes, that Oxford.
Oxford is hosting a TEDx symposium featuring some of the most interesting and thoughtful speakers from around the world.
This year’s sold out event will feature a dozen nationally recognized speakers ranging from a highly acclaimed writer to a cutting edge engineer who is pioneering innovative designs being used by NASA and Boeing and…
Lauren Book.
Yes, THAT Lauren Book. Yes, OUR Lauren Book.
Lauren will be sharing her story of abuse and will discuss how she grew from a victim of an unimaginable tragedy to survivor to advocate and now fighter and educator. Lauren’s journey is a marvel and make no mistake, she is no longer the child victim but a nationally recognized leader. Heck, her curriculum to help teachers, parents and students is taught in over 50,000 classrooms in Florida.
I know I posted on this earlier in the week, but it’s not everyday when someone in our air space is given an opportunity to impact world culture. It seems pretty cool to me and it felt right to remind you one more time…
If you want to see Lauren in action, you can watch her speech (Sunday 11:30 a.m.) by clicking here.
You go girl!