Florida Governor Rick Scott loves to laugh, and jokes will be served with his dinner tonight, at the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, DC.
The Gridiron Club dinner offers a cavalcade of self-deprecating jokes, and Barack Obama has been a master of the format, offering a unique meta-discourse on the gap between the public persona of his centrist Democratic administration and his more private inclinations.
The highlight this century, in terms of Presidential routines: George W. Bush looking under desks and in cabinets for WMDs in Iraq in 2004.
This set up nicely the highlight of Stephen Colbert‘s career, skewering President Bush at Gridiron in 2006 as Bush looked on.
As wedges only seem to grow between state Republicans and the Governor, with the session winding down, perhaps Governor Scott will be taking notes on how to joke his way through encroaching lame duck status, as he recalibrates his political persona for his next move.