The Florida Hospital Association patted the Legislature on the back in a Friday email celebrating the passage of their preferred healthcare transparency bill.
“The Legislature has demonstrated responsible leadership by passing House Bill 1175 to increase the availability and usefulness of information about health care prices and quality of care,” FHA President Bruce Rueben said. “This bill will help people make better informed health care decisions. We are proud to have worked with Senator Rob Bradley and Representative Chris Sprowls on the development and passing of this bill.”
HB 1175 would have the Agency for Healthcare Administration set up a website that publicly lists prices different hospitals charge for specific procedures.
The Sprowls-sponsored bill cleared the House last week with a 116-1 vote and the Senate approved it 34-1 Friday. The bill now heads to Gov. Rick Scott’s desk.
If signed into law, AHCA would have to contract a vendor to build the site by October, and the website would launch within a year.