Saying that Marco Rubio “bucked the establishment” and could lead America like he has led Florida, Lenny Curry‘s 30-second spot for his friend running for president has been on Jacksonville cable news channels in recent days, including Thursday night’s GOP debate and the Democratic debate the night before.
The American Opportunity PAC put out the ad on Rubio’s behalf. Nancy Watkins is its treasurer.
Feedback Curry has received in his emails has been almost uniformly negative. Some examples:
“I am disappointed in you getting “on board” with the “good old boy” network …”
“I voted for Rubio and you and now I am so sorry. What presidential candidate national makes fun of one of the biggest Universities in the state of Florida? Which he never apologized for … saying it was a football joke. Then he gets into a mud slinging fight at the debate about how small Trumps hands are. Unbelievable.”
“As I have stated to other political figures who have decided to endorse the GOP’s cookie cutter of a candidate, Senator Rubio, be careful it could be the end of your career as well as the predicted end of Mr. Rubio’s political career. Mayor, I’m surprised you would endorse such a candidate with his lack of commitment to show up for work for the Florida voters … Good luck in four years getting re-elected knowing you supported this typical politician.”
Curry got the same pushback for robocalls on Rubio’s behalf earlier this month.