While the world’s attention is on Cuba this week, U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy wants the GOP-led House of Representatives to focus on the plight of Puerto Rico.
The Caribbean Island defaulted on $37 million of bond payments in December, and has struck out with Congress in trying to help it get out of its huge debt crisis. In December, House Speaker Paul Ryan said he wanted the Republican-led House to come up with a response to Puerto Rico’s fiscal crisis by the end of March.
But with the House scheduled to leave on a break for the rest of the month on Wednesday, that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. Murphy says something needs to happen in the next 48 hours before Congress goes home.
“Speaker Ryan gave Congress three months to address the Puerto Rican crisis, but that was already far too long for the 3.5 million Americans on the island to go without relief. To further delay action for another three weeks is irresponsible,” said Murphy. “Puerto Rico needs relief, and it needs relief now. Congress should act on the Puerto Rican crisis before adjourning.”
Last month, Murphy penned an op-ed that was published in both English and Spanish on Medium. You can read that here.