Mayor Lenny Curry and other Duval dignitaries kicked off the countdown to THE PLAYERS Championship at a Wednesday news conference.
Last week, the Jax Chamber hosted a similar presser, extolling the good news about THE PLAYERS Championship. Wednesday was the politicians’ turn.
Curry noted that before he was mayor and when he was a private sector accountant, the TPC was one of his accounts.
And once Curry started his own business, it was “buying a package every year,” the mayor said.
TPC head Matt Rapp noted that Wednesday made it “six short days before the best week in golf,” which brought 1,120 credentialed media and a $151 million economic impact to an “area not well-known outside” Northeast Florida, increasing the region’s profile with “business decision-makers.”
Sports and Entertainment head Dave Herrell billed the event as an “economic development opportunity for the community,” which can “move the needle in the market.”
For those who are downtown and want to attend the TPC Sawgrass, daily shuttles from Jacksonville Landing and the DoubleTree Riverfront to and from the event start Wednesday at 8 a.m., Herrell added.