The Young Democrats of Orange County are hosting a primary debate that will draw most of the Democratic candidates running for the Florida Senate in Districts 11 and 13 next Tuesday.
The debate, set for the Dr. J.B. Callahan Neighborhood Center in Parramore, has drawn all four candidates in SD 11 and two of three candidates in SD 13. The SD 11 debate is set to start at 6:20 p.m. and the SD 13 debate at 7:30. Each debate is to last an hour.
Committed are SD 11 candidates state Rep. Randolph Bracy, former state Sen. Gary Siplin, former state Rep. and former Orange County Commissioner Bob Sindler, and businessman and environmental activist Chuck O’Neal.
The candidates slated to come in the SD 13 race are former state Rep. Linda Stewart and former Orange County School Board member Rick Roach. Former state Rep. Mike Clelland has declined, saying he has an out-of-town commitment that night, said YDOC President Robert Walters.
Senate District 11 is in west Orange County, while SD 13 is in east and north Orange County. The county’s third district, 15, will not be represented in this debate though Walters said it could have a future debate.